Agent Z

I don’t think anyone who saw that movie imagined him as a superhero people would like.

Mahershala Ali isn’t a violent sexual predator as far as I’m aware.

I don’t think anyone saw Chris Evans as Captain America until the movie came out.

Also, you’re ignoring how she literally turned Hulk just to yell in Bruce’s face in the first episode

And yet, she still shows more restraint than her cousin does. And no, not every instance of Bruce getting angry is him fighting guys trying to destroy the world. In fact, there have been instances where he got angry over minor inconveniences, even in the MCU.

Happy 30th Anniversary to MK. Here’s to another 30.

I feel like too many superhero fans say this about stuff they don’t like, regardless of it is even true.

She didn’t even want the case in the first place. Frankly, the case was doomed from the beginning.

The ketchup and mustard line reminds me that those were the nicknames given to two cyborgs from Mortal Kombat.

but then when she evidently sees one of the guys, she races over to beat the living crap out of him and/or kill him, and the problem is, he’s only armed with a smartphone.

I’m pretty sure people were (wrongly) throwing the term mary sue at female characters long before Max Landis was a name anyone knew about. Personally  I never understood why people took anything that guy said seriously.

Jolie isn't the one being accused of abusing her kids.

Scooby Doo

Depends on the game in question. Boobs in a game like this may be accepted, but there's no need for it in a fighting game.

No one with a functioning pair of eyes would call Howard overweight.

You’ve got issues.

Sonic isn’t nature vs technology. It’s nature vs abusive industrialization. Sonic’s best friend is a scientist and engineer and two of his allies (Omega and Gemerl) are robots. Anyone peddling this nature vs technology nonsense in the 21st Century just sounds like an uneducated luddite. 

Why is Netflix's Castlevania show still being called an anime?

Who's that?

What are you talking about?