Agent Z

And yet when a white actor with brown, black or blonde hair plays a redhead, they have nothing to say.

Eh, I had to try.

He jokingly addresses that in the episode, so not quite the gotcha you think.

The second part of this is true. The first part is false. The beginning of every episode starts with the words “The criminal justice system is...”


I'm pretty sure anyone celebrating the Queen's death will be just as elated when Trump kicks the bucket.

I remember similar comments about the first Wonder Woman movie which had no less than three sympathetic and heroic male characters.

Racist? Care to elaborate?

People feel bad when someone dies. It's not particularly complicated.

the whole movie is full of fan service garbage.

Why do you keep using the trademark symbol in Monroe's name?

I thought her actress just chose to leave?

Okay, very stereotypical cast in some cases.

Even Street Fighter, a game franchise with an international if somewhat stereotypical cast, has gotten this.

Isn't that the name of the porn parody?

Nobody was ever able to replicate the supersoldier serum.

The episode was a spotlight focus on some of the Arconia residents. It wasn't supposed to go anywhere, just give some development to supporting characters. Not everything necessarily has to advance the plot.

Tell that to the people yelling about redhead erasure.

For me, I’m looking forward to yet another case where a white, brown-haired person gets cast as a redhead and doesn’t receive half the venom a black person does when they do the same.

The show’s title is going to come across as false advertising.