
Yeah I threw up in my mouth a little reading that. What an absolute fucking creep.

Goddammit, America! 😡😡😡😡😡😡

I weep for the American educational system

As far as cheap as beers go, though, it’s pretty good.


Oh my god. Imagine if Striker grows up to be a CPA 😂

Bilbo Bae-ggins

I know everything about everything Kardashian-related is done for maximum publicity and this is likely 100% manufactured drama BUT I’d still be really upset if someone spoiled my baby announcement.

Blac needs to go back and tell that bitch Paige to redo her index and middle finger on her right hand because that shit is borked and it’s really upsetting me.

He’s honestly the only reason I’m still watching, and frankly they’re not even making enough use of him. He’s a goddamn treasure, and so far he’s only been given the chance to wink and flirt at Claire.

I believe hobbits eat second breakfast *and* elevenses.

JWoww had a jWoww

I was going off the lower number of 30 quoted later in the article. 30 is pretty unbelievable, but there’s absolutely no way she’s eating 51.

Yeah she’s gotta be eating several bananas an hour. Does she not work? Or does she have a literal crate of bananas at her desk?

I’m pretty sure that’s just a shoulder pad insert stapled to a maxi pad with some plastic bag handles thrown on?

Sounds healthy...

Turned his hearing aids off

Thats a good guess. I was thinking that maybe calorie and nutrient absorption significantly declines after the first 10 bananas on account of truly horrifying diarrhoea she must constantly have.

This woman is claiming she eats between 2500 and 3000 calories per day in just bananas.

I’ve seen the first and it didn’t really do much for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯