Agent Sculder

I'm a New Englander as well, and while our grocery stores certainly carried Velveeta, I don't think we had Rotel until the last 10 years or so. But even then, I'd certainly heard of and tasted queso dip.

I enjoy gin (with Bombay Sapphire and Tanqueray 10 being my favorites), but I cannot stand gin and tonics. The flavor of quinine in the tonic is what ruins it for me. My favorite way to enjoy gin is a Gibson. Very dry (just a touch of vermouth) and ice cold, it's a great cocktail that I generally make at home

I don't dislike the change. TV can always use more stories that include people of color.. I'm hoping that at some point we get an explanation of why the leaders of Gilead embraced misogyny but not racism. I'd also like to know if Handmaids of color are seen as "lesser" than white ones. Are they ever assigned to

I'm surprised you didn't discuss the largest deviation from the book: Atwood's Gilead was all white. All POC were automatically sent to the "colonies". I understand for the desire of the show runner to have a diverse cast, but that aspect of the book was something I found just as disturbing as the misogyny.

Scarlet's Walk is a great album and American Doll Posse is very good as well. I like her holiday album a lot as well. The biggest complaint I hear about Scarlet's Walk and American Doll Posse is that they're too long.

One thing I wish the film had gotten into more was how extraordinary these five filmmakers were before the war. It's a topic that the book covers in detail. They were among the most talented working in Hollywood at the time. All five would eventually win Oscars for Best Director. Wyler and Capra did it three times,

When I was in high school our history teacher has us watch Night & Fog which is a French film about the death camps. It was completely horrifying and really brought home the reality of the Holocaust. Up until that point I had read about it, but I really had not seen it. Schindler's List had come out the year before

The final episode is brutal. The actual footage from D-Day and Dachau is not for kids.

The winner doesn't keep a duplicate. They are given the envelope that is opened on stage. The issue is that two complete sets of envelopes are brought to the ceremonies.

He was an alcoholic well before he had a film career, something he used to mention in interviews when he first came on the scene.

I could probably get past the taste, but for me the texture is the deal breaker. I cannot abide gelatinous food. Perhaps in small doses where the century egg is used as flavoring, I might get tricked into eating it, but there is no way I would every buy one voluntarily.

I can taste a difference. I don't particularly like Dasani or Aquafina unless they are VERY cold. Poland Spring is my go to if I'm drinking bottled water. Volvic is probably my favorite, but it's pricey.

It's not a great movie, but it's a got a great cast, and I'm a sucker for a good ensemble film.

Kevin Kline may have never become a super-star, but I don't think he ever wanted that kind of career. He's won an Oscar and a couple of Tony's. He's one of the few American actors who can do film and stage work equally well. Perhaps he'll get rediscovered since he's going to be in the live action Beauty and the

I was hoping someone would point that out! Kline plays the guy with the past he doesn't want to talk about, and who initially just wants to run a saloon and be left alone.

Here's hoping the sequel capitalizes on the chemistry the two of them had in their scenes together. And not for shallow reasons either. I'd just like to see if Kirill acted on his obvious feelings for Nikolai after becoming "boss".

States run by Republicans are also incredibly corrupt: see Louisiana, Texas, and Florida.

I loved Good Eats, and it taught me the best way to make a lot of things, and for that I will be always grateful. But from everything I've heard and read, Alton Brown is actually a miserable human being to be around. There was a recent profile of him in the NY Times, and he really came off as being a real jerk. No

Being divorced isn't really the issue, the issue is that the ex-spouse is still living. It wasn't until 2002 that the Anglican church relented and became willing to marry people when a former spouse was still living. That's why Chaz and Cams couldn't marry until 2005.

It would be interesting to see a series more focused on David. I know I'd like to see a greater exploration of who he was, how he met Wallis, and why he ultimately capitulated when he was told he couldn't marry her AND be king.