Agent Sculder

One of the better Star Wars novels is called "Kenobi", and it's set in the immediate aftermath of "Revenge of the Sith". Obi-Wan has brought Luke to Tatooine and has to settle into life there. The novel is basically a Western with Obi-Wan as the outsider coming into a frontier town. The Sand People take the place

Luke's line to Misty about bringing her handcuffs with her the next time she comes over was crazy hot.

I also really like "In Her Shoes". It's primarily a movie about sisters, but it also has rom com B-plot that is very well done. Cameron Diaz and Toni Collette are both great in it.

L.A. Confidential is one of my favorite films. It has always pissed me off that it didn't get the recognition it deserved that year because of Titanic. It's a FAR superior film, and it's just as good now as it was then.

I believe it's more likely that networks aren't providing multiple episodes of their shows. Over at the NYT, their review for Bull mentions that only one episode was provided. If I had to guess, networks are probably concerned about episodes leaking online before they premiere. Limiting the episodes available to

Exactly. I like The Star-Spangled Banner just fine but it's a terrible national anthem because it's very hard to sing and most people screw it up because they start too high and then can't hit the high note.

No, they didn't. The only Targaryen to sit on the Iron Throne with multiple wives was Aegon the Conqueror. After him, the Targaryens took one wife at a time. Many ended up being married multiple times because lots of their wives died in childbirth. The Faith of the Seven looked the other way whild the Targaryens

The North is not deferring to Sansa even though she is the legitimate heir because in Westeros men are always assumed to be a better choice than a woman. Yes, in some houses like Mormont and Tarth a woman may be the heir, but that's ONLY if there are no guys around. Jon is male, and in this extremely macho world,

Cersei just assumed that the younger, more beautiful queen was Margaery. I think most people always knew the queen she really had to fear was Dany.

So much to process in one episode. We got scores of dead Tyrells, the Freys FINALLY get their comeuppance, Arya's back in Westeros, Sansa outmaneuvers Littlefinger, Lyanna Mormont schools the lords of the North, Jon is Lynanna's son and is made King of North, and Cercei ceases the throne! Sam finds the library of

What a great night! Ramsay Bolton dies AND Cleveland FINALLY wins a championship! Two things that took their sweet ass time, but are all the better for the wait.

And all of the CGI cavalry AND the dragons!

No complaints here. Hearing the horn and then seeing the cavalry from the Vale made me cheer right from sofa. And Ramsay absolutely, FINALLY got exactly what he deserved.

It was definitely the tango. Which is also appropriate because around this time was when it first became popular.

He's definitely tapping into whatever he was doing during his short run as James Bond. Which reminds me, I really should watch those two movies again because I always liked him as Bond.

Littlefinger didn't really stab in her in the back. It just didn't occur to him how truly horrible Ramsay is. If Littlefinger has one weakness it's his obsession with the Tully women, and I think that's why he misjudged Ramsay. He can't imagine why anyone would want to physically harm her.

Yes, but it's also important because it's proof that magic is real. Varys doesn't believe in magic, he believes in the power of secrets. Varys wants to believe that magic and faith are bullshit. But the fact this red priestess knew intimate things about him that no one else could know is proof that there is at

My only concern is that one shouldn't look a gift army in the mouth. She's got plenty of reasons to hate Littlefinger, but he brought her an ARMY. One that's fresh that and hasn't been decimated by the War of the Five Kings. That's the kind of strategic blunder that got Ned and Robb killed. And I really, really

I didn't get choked up, I was yelling at my TV that it was about damn time Dany realized how important Jorah is. He's been with her longer than any one else, and he has done whatever she asked.

Not only that, we got her and the fabulous Richard E Grant!