
I honestly enjoyed the first Rampage movie. Watched it a couple times.

It’s about to go down

Now playing

This scene makes me teary eyed every time.

Easily my favorite movie of all time.

Evan, you need a podcast. Please. I need that at least twice a month.

Never forget your PPE.

Basedgod senpai! Notice me!

Pokemon Go is great too. Lol. No, but seriously during the beta, it helped me see parts of Portland that as a visitor I might have missed.

Thank you for bringing this up. Icon was so amazing to me as a kid.

I call it coasting when you dead leg. A lot of people kinda apply no pressure on declines. You’re still in motion but there’s not any effort on your part to maintain that.

For simplicity. It looks clean and is easy to maintain. And, imho, it makes you strong. You learn how to pedal efficiently and can over time learn to go harder longer. Raises your limits through you.

Gotta eject with ninja skill to avoid the disc backing out on your finger and putting more wear on the disc feed mechanism.

Star for being an actual reader.

I’ve never and I didn’t use custom either. As a core game player, I know that pokemon is greater than catching them all. It’s about exploration and meeting new people and having new experiences. Using a map to know locations is usually some end game stuff. Don’t be a Gary Oak.

Thank you for all that you’ve contributed here at kotaku. I’ll continue listening to match 3. Good luck on your new job.

Now playing

Haven’t played this game but just reading this gave me the feels. As a father, I don’t know how if deal with something so tragic. Reminds me of the feeling I get when I heard this song the first time.

Yesterday, at the Great Western Forum in Inglewood, California I seen a pokestop advertising a Linkin Park concert there in December. While that’s not what they describe outright in the article, just posting to say it’s already happening.

Bulbasaur go home. You're drunk bro.

I think I’m having that weird feeling you get when the world gets into your favorite thing. Not the good feeling, the bad one.
