
Personally I find the whole Blunt weapon situation rather interesting, they explain why beam weaponry is pretty much obsolete due to the large scale war 100+ years prior vs huge A.I controlled mobile armours using heavy beam weapons, to which they had developed “nanolaminate armour coating (NLA)” to basically negate

Nope. They have to make sure that 1 DS copy of Cory in the House is under lock and key.

Walmart can't do that, they used all their locked up aisles for products primarily purchased by black people. They aren't really subtle. 

The optional character becomes DLC....that makes a lot of sense actually

Good art is about suffering.  

I disagree. The Zune was actually a pretty sweet device compared to what the iPod had at the time.

Not a streamer (I watch some for tips maybe) and not an influencer (I can rarely get the kids to take out the trash), but I got one from Google as a paid subscriber to YouTube/Play Music.

I like Stadia. I know I’m an outlier. But, I think it’s a pretty good service for single player games. I love Cyberpunk on it, as it’s leaps and bounds better than it is on either of the other two consoles, and my PC is nowhere near good enough to run it to look good. Red Dead Redemption 2 and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Bless these diamond-fisted boys

Yes, yes it can. Just because you don’t care doesn’t mean others don’t. Don’t be so dense. 

I’m curious whether such hate campaigns actually are bad for business in the way she describes.

Yep, it’s why I said goodbye to IGN several years ago. I still follow my favorite people (Greg Miller, Brian, Altano, Naomi Kyle, etc.) on Twitter but I can’t bring myself to actually go to the site because the comment section makes me lose all hope in humanity.

Unfortunately my words are only based on experience. My degree is in Data Analytics so I have been on these teams I speak of and Ive seen it far too many times.

If you want to take the cynical (but not necessarily untrue) route, sure.

Thank you for writing this Ash. I’m a Black game developer who has been in AAA for a long time, and I can definitively say that this problem will not be fixed by game companies because they have all of the same issues with White supremacy that their communities have.

Weird to see so many people shitting on stuff just because it’s not their cup of tea.I’ll never understand the “if it’s not my preference I have to bad mouth it” mentality. This shit happens with MacBooks, Chromebooks, anything that fills a niche. Stadia fills a very specific niche. I have a free kit and I'm never

This. I get to play AAA titles without having to go through the insane scramble of trying to buy the next better console, next better graphics card; without having to worry about load times, hard drive space or cpu specs; I get to play the moment a game releases without having to download a 0-day patch on top of a 200g

As someone in their late 30s who hasn't owned a gaming PC or console in about a decade, I am stoked for this. I've got my Stadia version of Cyberpunk 2077 pre-ordered and can't wait to sink my teeth into it. Don't need to spend hundreds of extra dollars for a console to play a damn good looking game. And I've got