
If you were in the beta, were you able to use the name you used in the beta in the real release.

As this is part 2, is the first required playing?

I’d love for them to finish sonic 4 and make it available in full.

Gradius is what pains me the most.

We need build instructions!


Starred for your spelling. As a poc. I read it with a southern twang.

Thank you thank you thank you. Everyone forgets that part.

Nice screen grab. That’s the perfect face for these comments.

Nope. Just my car. I’m THAT asshole.

That’s pretty fucking awesome. They drove past my home while I was having a smoke. I was probably reading kotaku before I looked up and seen them.

That’s what I was thinking. Such a poor design. I’ve seen one IRL and there’s this huge globe of cameras.

Maybe that’s how they phase him out. And make Peter Parker rich.

No. It’ll be a sad day when he can’t do them anymore.

Have you heard touche amore and la dispute?

Fake history is my shit

They remind me so much of glassjaw. Live they are amazing.

Thank for putting it on Google play. Simplecast was such a pita.

As a PlayStation owner, I’m officially jealous.

I think you described the movie they put out. That’s probably what the pitch sounded like.