
Her and Don Jr. go to three meetings a day in which they sit through a powerpoint presentation given by someone whose name they never learn and stare with open mouths and glassy, uncomprehending eyes, fidgeting with their $9K bracelet or $29K pinky ring, until the lights come back on and they can post on Twitter about

Future Womb for DJT the 2nd.

He also honored our fallen servicemen by ending his tweet with “Nice!” Can you imagine if Obama tweeted something completely non-deferential to our military on this day?

Clue: 2018 Political Edition

“It was Hillary in the Pizza Place Basement with The Benghazi!”

The obvious “look at this bad thing over there” or “look what a great thing I just did” is just so cringey. Are they THAT oblivious to optics? Obvious he uses the media to deflect attention from the bad things, that’s why this happens nearly daily. The icing on the cake is that Leslie Stahl convo where he told her “i

This is what I’ve been saying. How is it possible that he hasn’s been impeached before his first year was done? They were talking about it back then like I predicted to my Trump-loving relatives. The lawmakers have failed the US citizens. We should vote ALL the incumbents out this November. Bring back blowjobs!!!

Well they did redecorate with gold curtains and couches. I swear they are some tacky people. Its like they’re trying to be like Russians with the golden palaces. Even Elvis wouldn’t have gone that far.

In the pizza joint basement.

I have say this is the most WTF one I saw today

we have always been at war with Eurasia,

Fuck every motherfucker that voted these cocksuckers into office.

I’m kind of surprised the oval office hasn’t been repainted gold yet.

Call us when Marco does something. We’ve all heard enough of his words.

You forgot to capitalize WITCH HUNT and SPYGATE

Trump seems to deal consciously in plausible deniability. But the problem is that with each subsequent deal, crooked businessmen get bolder. The proof is out there to convict this man of high crimes against this country and what the office of the presidency is supposed to stand for, and the outcome of midterm

You’re missing the point. Crooked Hilary and her emails Benghazi Obama witch hunt spygate! MAGA

He can’t be corrupt, he’s obsessed with money, covers everything in gold and has a constant need for money.

I think this might be the Sandyhook moment of the Trump presidency. This is the smoking gun. This is so obviously quid pro quo. Nobody’s even pretending otherwise. Let’s remember that ZTE is in trouble largely due to the US Department of Commerce banning it because it violated sanctions against North Korea and Iran,

LOL, is your troll talking point that “Trump is too incompetent to be guilty of anything?” You can’t brag about how he’s playing 16 dimensional chess and he’s got the best brain AND ALSO trot out the Reagan defense when he’s caught looking dirty.

Remember when Trumpanzees shrieked that Trump couldn’t be corrupt because he was a “billionaire”?