No, these Second Amendment fanatics are willing to sacrifice THEIR OWN CHILDREN to remain loyal to the NRA propaganda machine. If anything, they’ll blame the shooting deaths of schoolchildren on all kids not being allowed to have guns.
No, these Second Amendment fanatics are willing to sacrifice THEIR OWN CHILDREN to remain loyal to the NRA propaganda machine. If anything, they’ll blame the shooting deaths of schoolchildren on all kids not being allowed to have guns.
Alcohol is a substance, not a tool or a weapon, which is the first sign that this is a bad analogy.
I do and I have never thought to go into a school and kill children indescriminately with high-caliber alcohol poisoning.
I had an alcohol last night and I didn’t go crazy. I don’t think you’ve had any alcohol if you think it makes you crazy.
Just deny them the attention they crave. Without attention they would fuck off to some other site. Dismiss his comment, that’s the only way to reach them.
Why even try man? To even make this argument (alcohol kills more people than guns) is so transparently stupid that no one could make it in good faith. You can’t just compare the absolute number of deaths caused by one thing and the absolute number caused by another and say “well, A is more dangerous than B.” There…
I don’t think you understand how the world around you works. Alcohol wasn’t “designed”. It’s a byproduct of yeast digesting sugars in a liquid. Guns were...designed to kill things. Do you see how these are different? Or did you just hope that nobody would examine your bullshit false equivalence here?
what do you want to do, ban cellphones too? you know, per my ass, more teens die from texting than sharks and tornados combined.
If that’s what gets you off, maybe you should seek some help.
The one that’s designed to kill people you goddamn idiot.
You ban the one that can kill 30 people from a distance by pointing it at them and slightly tensing your pointer finger.
Logic, like a firearm, should be a tool wielded only by those who truly know how to use it.
“What’s wrong with logic?” Oh my god...
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.... oh my god you’re dumb.
Yeah, there is a term in grammar called “You understood” for a sentence that is directed toward an individual but doesn’t have the actual word you in it. This should be a new term called “Boy understood.”
How the hell is it illegal to “act like a fool?” I would have told the cop he was acting like a moron, which is evidence of being raised with a white girl’s privilege. I have a lot of respect for people who are able to treat aggressive/idiotic cops with respect, like T. I. showed here. I have a really hard time doing…
Sleeping on the job + rich folk = job searches at unemployment office
A damn shame i tell ya! These freekin idiots are always driving the narrative. He was black, drunk and or belligerent. I’m so sick of this Bullshit! It mattes not in this world if you have money. At the end of the date your melanin can get you beat down, arrested or even worse, dead!!!! Sue the shit outta them all…
Man, ain’t this a bunch of bullshit? I should’ve known once more details came out this would be the same old same old. Ugh!