Special Agent Bachman

A-fucking-men. The pattern of Sony ridiculing and then incorporating competitors' technology is unfailing and blatant. You can rest assured that every single time they've got a backhanded word to say about an opposing advance to console technology that they're gonna implement it before long and their apologists will

I wish I could star or promote you.

Calm your face, J. Mat!

Not a gfx swap, but everything's in shinier HD graphics.

One of my favorite movie quotes ever.

No, it's because those two games are incompatible from a technical, aesthetic, and fundamental standpoint. I love both series, and have since their inception, but MK is baby games compared to SF and anyone who claims otherwise is in denial. Justin Wong swept in took the MK crown but Tom Brady could never sweep in

Perfect Dark XBLA on 360.

That's it? Sex appeal? Not because she might be a good character rather than a waste of a select screen slot? It's as I thought. I am disappoint.

I really don't get why it's so hip to love Poison. There's nothing special about the character aside from the whole TG fiasco. Seriously, the reasoning for all this Poison sack/box riding escapes me. Can someone explain please?

Do they owe Capcom for the MM2 rip?

@F0ntaine: People should stop complaining because it was your favorite level? Please tell me how this makes sense. The vast majority hate it and will always talk shit about it. Just because you love it isn't any reason why they should hide their opinions.

@AXBHikaru: Lame troll attempt. Don't you have some American history Wikipedia articles to alter?

@jellotek: Thank you. My thoughts exactly. FF13 was a bad joke. I'd go so far as to say that as a huge fan since FF1 I'm ready to retire from the series altogether.

Looking at this gameplay video, I can't help but get the feeling that this game will be a downgrade from NG2. It looks suspect. The feeling is . . . . off.

Dammit! More offscreen projectile-spamming enemies and a wonky camera. I hope this game progresses substantially from this build during development.

@thirdeyebud: You come off like a real asshole. I think you'd be better off not posting on Kotaku anymore. Go away.

@Gwydeon: Preach it, brother. Fuckin-A right.

Shut. Up.

This looks like a solid "cry while masturbating" flick. May check it out sometime.