
I'm nominating the make up girl for TV good guy of the week for offering Jimmy his money back. She didn't have to do that. That was really kind of her.

Considering this takes place in 2002-2003, I'm technically younger than dopes like that. So I certainly it worries me when few people I know personally, know who Ritchie fucking Blackmore is and so many don't.

I never watched Riverdale, but damn that's stupid. Seriously? He wants to be a songwriter and doesn't know who Dylan is?!

Green Day's made some good stuff.

I couldn't have cringed harder than when that dopey collage kid though Deep Purple was Pink Floyd.

I guess for me it's a bit too bitter a balance for the bittersweet ending.I mean yeah I feel bad for Jack. He deserved to be with someone, but arguably he still can. He can still meet someone and have a happy life now. It's Ashi who I feel was cheated. She earned a happy ending just as much as Jack did. For me the

And continuing season 3's theme of disgusting bodily functions we have piss in a cup and fake dog shit and fake vomit.

I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree because at this point I think Philip's only concern is his family. As he said last season was that he doesn't even care about the people back home. He just doesn't give a shit anymore. Elizabeth is a true believer. She still is devoted to the cause. Philip at this

Ah, fair enough.

As someone who's in the process of becoming a police officer and has studied American law enforcement, it's not the same. I'm not talking about thinking it's fucked up to arrest someone for having a bit of weed. I'm talking about arresting someone for making valid criticisms of the state. If you suppress freedom of

And since Stan would obviously also be there, he'd be like "The robot's not worth the trouble at all" until he sees it using a sexy girl voice around Paulie, then he'd just be weirded out because we all know Paulie was screwing that robot.

Nah, he's going to go to school, and when he comes back after everybody dies he's gonna be like "Did I miss anything? Hmm, guess not. I'll go back to my computer."

I think linking Robbie and Daisy would be a terrible idea all around. I think Robbie just needs to be a recurring character. If anything I'd love to see his character get a spin off (especially if said spin off were to also feature Johnny Blaze). Shipping them would be too limiting in my opinion.

Seriously though, I NEED to see their reactions to that movie.

I mean she's seen Elizabeth kill a man, but he was a would be rapist. So it's easy to just justify that (which it was). What's she going to think when she's confronted with the terrible truth of just how many innocent people are killed by her parents.

Well I thought it was funny how Stan said how he doesn't care for working for the FBI because he can't really trust anyone, and he'd have to treat Henry like a spy. Oh the irony.

Not to mention even Gabriel is telling him, yeah we shouldn't have brought Paige into this. And, of course the cold blooded murders he was forced to commit or be a part of.

If it's 85, I REALLY want to see the Jennings watch Rocky 4.


Oh I'm not blaming her. I felt bad for her regardless. I was just a bit fuzzy on whether she actually did or didn't is all.