
I guess it was less "was she guilty of working with the Nazis" and more "did she actually kill someone" that I was fuzzy about.

I don't think they were ever meant to stay together. As you said they were too different, and I think their priorities will ultimately pit themselves against each other. Considering the whole show works as an allegory for marriage, I think the final season may serve as a metaphor for a divorce.

The mail robot will start the robot apocalypse….. by delivering the mail to the wrong person on purpose. OH THE HUMANITY!!!

So correct me if I'm wrong but are we saying she really was the war criminal? Because I was under the impression she was saying what ever she could to save her husband.

Gotta love how the one KGB agent was like "Oh yeah, that guy was TOTALLY right in his criticisms. Hell, I'd know, I've seen how fucked up it is, but he should have know better than to speak out against it. That's why we had him committed." I mean how could you NOT see how a system like that is bound to self destruct?

"she's not wrong that it would be the right thing to do"
What makes him going there the right thing? Chuck made his intentions clear, and Jimmy made his intentions clear. They are no longer brothers. Jimmy doesn't owe Chuck a damn thing. If her conscience is bothering her, than that's on her.

To be fair to Jimmy as he said he never lied to her. He obviously knew what he was doing, but he didn't lie to her. Chuck'd still need her as he said, even though he was benefiting from it.

She really should have expected Jimmy to not want to do anything. I mean really, who would want to help their brother after they just got you arrested and tried to have you disbarred?

Maybe. We shall see.

Makes sense. Good thinking.

Yeah, I want him to die in a way that involves electricity.

Well she was bitching at Jimmy for doing EXACTLY what she did with Chuck. Rebecca divorce his crazy hateful ass, and now Jimmy has done essentially the same thing yet somehow he's the bad guy? Makes sense why she married Chuck in the first place. They're both hypocrites.

Probably by working with Gus by way of Mike. He sure as Hell doesn't want his dad mixed up in this.

Nacho hurt himself with a machine that put a stitch through his hand, which will ironically need stitches.

Sorry Rebecca, being mentally ill doesn't excuse being an asshole, not to mention he was an asshole LONG before he went crazy thinking he was allergic to electricity.

I don't know Gaear Grimsrud seemed like to quasi fill that role in the movie. Granted he didn't quite fill the role as near supernatural, but he mostly would fit along side a Malvo and a Chigurh.

I like to think that it was Malvo narrating, and that he really is supernatural hence how he could narrate this episode.

Sad part is that's probably how Elizabeth sees it. She sees it as a victory. "So what that they weren't trying to attack us and that we murdered so bystander; we got a sample of a super wheat to save our country. That's all that matters, and Paige doesn't need to know the details because they don't really matter."

That would keep with each episode of this season showcasing a disgusting bodily function (piss montage ep 1, used tampon art ep 2, and vomiting in ep 3).

That's right….