
Honestly, I don't think Jimmy ever fully thinks out far enough ahead or considers all possibilities. Irene is a perfect example. I think he fully expected all Irene's friends to accept her again after she settled, and never even thought that they'd turn on her for good. Chuck on the other hand will hurt people knowing

Yeah selling out her family for her own personal gains because she's hugely immature, and is shown to have blatantly sexist attitudes (Dodd toward women and Simone towards men). The fact that she's 19 and was abused by her father doesn't change the fact that she's just like her father in every point that matters. As I

But will he get to see Montana?!!

It's a pretty good show, though I do believe it's a bit over hyped.

So true.

True, but still Better Call Saul still has it's levity, it's humor, and the occasional sense of a character getting his/her way. It's not quite the non stop atmospheric sense of hopelessness. I mean even down to the setting; DC is always overcast and Moscow is even worse. It's always give off a sense of dread,

I can't speak for The Leftovers (it's on my to watch list) but I think the reason the others (Better Call Saul and Fargo) don't leave you as upset is because The Americans is a much more tragic story. Much like how the spy trade has been portrayed here, everything that happens here is a direct blow to the characters

You don't know how lucky you are boy.

All good questions, personally I think they are moot questions because I think that he'll actually end up really killing himself.

Apparently, you've never met Tywin Lannister.

I still think the Jennings will watch Rocky 4 and cause everyone to have a change of heart, and everything works out for the best.

Hey, that other Russian guy wanted more money, so it's not like the capitalist spirit has been completely stamped out in the people of the USSR.

I thought we established that Phil's beer was "the people's beer".

In hand to hand combat, they'd kill him easily. On the other hand he doesn't need to be a better fighter in a shootout, not to mention he'll probably have a shit ton of back up.

Oh Henry, I so hope you survive the entire show without ever knowing what's going on.

Not to mention Pasha thinking it's a good idea to try and slit his wrists just to go back to his home country to put into perspective what taking your own kids back to Russia would do to them.

You're making an awful lot of assumptions about a person you do not know nor have any evidence to believe that. Disappointment and sadness are what I feel. I don't act huffy nor condescending.

How does being the only one who knows about a great guitarist make me feel better when almost everyone else that I know doesn't? It makes finding people with common interests a Hell of a lot harder. Being alone is a crowd is no fun. Absolutely nothing feels "better" about not having someone who can share your

*looks around*
Um, me…

To be fair betraying Walt would have got him put in an acid barrel.