
Wow, that's more than I believe from her.

Car accidents happen all the time, and they can be very tragic.

Funny thing is during the marriage, I know Philip doesn't believe in God, but I think he wants to, at least in the sense he wants to believe in anything. Obviously he doesn't believe in what he's doing, but he's going to all those meetings and having an actual marriage. He's a man looking for something to believe in.

I think he wanted to be a lawyer, it's just he wanted to do it on his own, not as part of his father's firm.

Well Star Wars has a Luke and Lord of the Rings has a Sam, so I guess every fantasy/science-fantasy has to have a guy named like that.

Chuck is definitely not like Ned Stark. I mean like at all.

Sorry, I didn't remember that it was in the previews, and I miss read your comment.

As someone who's in the process of becoming a police officer, I can certainly acknowledged the importance of the rule of law and how it's important to maintaining personal liberties, safety, and maintaining civilization, but I almost hate how Chuck calls it sacred. It's still a human institute full of huge flaws based

Hopefully this new episode really turns the season around. I still have faith it can turn it around.

Pretty sure she meant Rebecca.

Mexico. All he's sayin'.

Well let's agree to disagree on that. For men his meltdown felt so damn good for me, it was easily on of the most satisfying moments of the whole series.

Hey good for the actor, too bad for the character…

But in German, it's "the Chuck the".Ha ha ha!


The use of Dean Martin and Scaramouche being based on Sammy Davis Jr. has me think this season of Samurai Jack's trying to bring back the Rat Pack.

50 years of non stop fighting with little to no time for himself to grow as a person.

D'oh! Fixed now. Thanks. :)

God help them if they screw up Lockjaw.

Just pointing this out but I only made about three actual posts that were about my opinion on the matter. The rest of the posts were replies defending my own position. The fact that you think I have worn our my welcome because I have the gall to express an opinion different from yours and then defend it says more