
Actually I don't care for it because just because the point of the episode was that it was pointless doesn't make the episode any less pointless. The idea for this episode could have been done far better as a stand alone movie, but more importantly considering the season only has ten episodes what was needed for

I never criticized Fargo's ambiguity, and also that's a very lazy argument. To act as if any criticism is because the person criticizing is some NCIS fan.

Don't be sorry or anything like that even in retrospect. My point I guess I'm trying to get out there is that as you said that this was the "Mike Yanagita moment" for the show, but it shouldn't have take a whole episode in my opinion. Maybe had there been more development for all the other characters in this episode

For me it's the characters are totally lacking. No one thus far in my opinion is at all magnetic. I just don't find them all that interesting. And to have an episode where the point of said episode is to be a complete tangent and develop a character who is now dead, better than any of the living characters, it makes

True, there may be some but to say it as a blanket statement doesn't work as an argument.

Well I thought it worked, but I can kinda see your point.

For me it's cathartic. I let loose my thoughts on the show. As to why I keep watching it, the previous two seasons were that good that I'll still watch this whole season. It's possible the season can still turn around (it doesn't change my opinion on the season thus far). The show has earned that good will to be

Well now we're debating sensibility with a character who's snapped. I mean he could have got in his truck and left those racist assholes at the bar. Instead he shot them all in the knee, killed the bar tender and two state troopers.

Except I never said I was confused by it. Actually I quite understand. All opinions are subjective. I simply am providing my reasons as to why I think it's bad. The problem is your saying that people who dislike this season are hipsters who are itching to cry shark jump when that is not true and has no basis in

Considering she refuses to use a compute at her station in 2010, something that is an instrumental tool for modern policing, she actually has more strikes against her for being a good officer.

Nice condescending ramble, but ultimately your own bias. Just because I think this season isn't as good as the previous two means I want it to "jump the shark". I honestly couldn't wait for this season, and unfortunately I feel let down. But hey, I also loved season 3 of Justified, The Americans, Breaking Bad, and

Well I never had a Facebook account (and still don't), I'll say this people still think I'm a bit odd that I don't have a smart phone or anything like Facebook or Twitter or anything like that. Closest thing I have besides a Disqus account is a Youtube account and I've never posted a video.

Well it's as he said to Peggy, he was tired of that life. What didn't make sense was then deciding to get plastic surgery and start a criminal empire of his own.

Oh. Fair enough. I won't debate you on your original point. :)

Thank you for the complement. :)

I didn't care for it, that's a fact, but tell me how I'm wrong that the point was that it was pointless? The investigation yielded nothing. The little robot never accomplished anything. The episode tied into how "this is a true story" and how true stories have pointless moments where nothing was accomplished and the


And he ultimately turned on him after he called him a half breed for the last time. That whole episode was pretty much his character building up to the proverbial strw that breaks the camel's back.

Has anyone noticed that each episode thus far has showcased all of the nastiest bodily functions (episode 1 had a piss montage, episode 2 had graffiti from a bloody used tampon, and in this episode we see a man throw up)? I really hope the next two episodes don't feature any further….

It kinda made sense. Dodd was a dick to him the whole time, and at that point he pretty much had it with everyone. In a way he became a workplace killer,