
I'm not being salty, that's more or less the point. My personal opinion has nothing to do with it.

Problem for me is that I 100% get what this episode meant, the problem is that for me that doesn't make it good. In my opinion this would have worked better as a stand alone story. A singular film. As an episode it was a waste considering it doesn't really move the plot forward and several other characters who are

I don't think it's that it's getting stale. I just think it's that the characters aren't interesting enough. Can we really say anyone's as pathetic as Lester, smart as Molly, brave as Lou, well meaning as Gus, scary as Malvo, mysterious as Hanzee, charismatic as Mike Milligan, commanding as Floyd, or zany as Peggy?

Yeah the final episode to season 2 was a let down. For me it could have worked had they change just a few things. Not try to tie Hanzee to season 1, instead have Lou shoot him in the abdomen, but have him escape. Later see him driving towards the boarder (doesn't matter Canada or Mexico) and see he's still bleeding.

It's a gag gift. It's a pointless toy. It ties into the whole theme of the episode, that it was pointless.

Granted I'll agree it isn't on the same level as TD season 2's epic fail, but this season sure as shit isn't on the same level as the previous 2 seasons.

Then they should have just made the season an episode or two shorter.


Just being honest to me this is slowly becoming Fargo's True Detective season 2.
Edit: only in the sense that it's dropped in quality, not that it's as bad as True Detective season 2.

Frankly I think it's their worst.

He needs to have a conversation with Groot and Hodor.

I honestly do not get the praise for this episode. As you said we're three episodes in, and the most developed character is dead. It served no real point to the plot of the season and didn't really develop any of the characters who were quite frankly in need of developing further.

Well…. that happened.

Except, said "love" wasn't romanticized. She realized that she was just being used. Philip may have cared, but he was still using her. In the end for her she lost everything for nothing at all. Doing it for love only means something when the actual love means something. If she at least were in this because she was pro

Well yeah him and the guy who was shot when he was exposed to the virus, but still it's been pretty light on the violence thus far.


Not that I'm complaining mind you. It's just making me uneasy. I feel as if there isn't some sort of release of violence every once in a while that means we're building up to something HORRIBLE.

She pretty much committed espionage, she can never come back. If she comes back she'll be doing hard time in federal prison.

Eh, I don't think she really would have guessed that. I think she suspected that at that point "Clark" never really cared about her, and that she thought her whole life was ruined for nothing by a man she thought actually cared about her. And, now she just doesn't want to hear about it and does not care.

Is it just me or has this been like the least violent season of The Americans so far?