
Look at it this way, once the shit hits the fan, at least Henry will be safe in New Hampshire when everyone starts dying. He'll come back and be like "damn, what I miss?"

Kinda fitting that Henry brings up going away to a school miles away in the same episode Kimmy asks Philip if he misses his son.

Frankly there was never much of a good outcome for Martha. She was always pretty much fucked no matter what.

What makes it so terrible is that she never betrayed the US because she believed in communism or was a Russian sympathizer. She just was in love with Clark, and at the end of the day, that cost her everything. She's now alone in strange land that's struggling to feed itself, and for what? A man whom she loved that

I'm sure to Don wouldn't have been happy either. He'd have been pissed that Hector was endangering Gus' operation. That's the Cartel's money, and they won't be happy that Hector was taking liberties.

Well yeah. It was Walt's story, but what I'm saying is that Walt head to head against Gus with no distractions would result in a victory for Gus.

To be fair I think Mike only disliked Walt after Gale got killed. I mean he even seemed sympathetic towards Walt right before he was about to kill Walt in the lab.

5) Hank Schrader: Undead PI


Fair enough, but even assholes still also make good stuff too. If he wants to be a straight up dick to people I can just ignore that. I only get pissed when people are doing things that are actually hurting other people like for example Jim Carrey's anti vaccine bullshit and how his celebrity status was used to

Meh, his politics don't bother me. I mean almost everyone in Hollywood on both sides have expressed political beliefs that I don't care for. If I were to get pissed for every single celebrity's political opinion. I'd never watch anything ever.

Formerly "Albuquerque: the city where Bugs Bunny made a wrong turn".

Funny how Gus and Hank Scorpio are two of the best fictional bosses on TV and are both basically super villains. The only other TV boss that cool who was a good guy I could think of is Chief Deputy Art Mullen.

Flynn may not have been an asshole, but he was also treated like everyone else and was never different from anyone else other than the need of crutches and a speech impediment. So I guess the show's saying people are people no matter what.

Everyone holds Hank not seeing Walt as Heisenberg against him, but really shouldn't. You don't expect your family, a man as close to a brother as humanly possible of being a murdering drug kingpin. He was a very competent agent throughout the show, with a blind spot where family was concerned like most people.

True, but part of the whole reason why Walt could exploit Hector was because Gus killed the Cartel AND Hector's grandson and last living relative. Hector would not have teamed up with Walt otherwise. Also part of it was because Hector went to the DEA and it gave Hank a DEA stiffy. On top of all that Mike, Gus' top

Honestly, Gus could have EASILY defeated Walt. Walt simply won because Gus was taking on too many opponents at the same time. He was dealing with the Cartel, Hank's investigation, Walt's rebelliousness, and trying to recruit Jesse to be on his side. Gus was the best and smartest player in the whole show. Walt was

Even if Mike did think Chuck was an ass, it's not his place to give his opinion. He is a professional through and through. Like he said, he didn't even want to know anything further as to why Gus didn't want Hector dead yet. For him, it's a job, and personal feelings have no place in the matter.

Gus is a man of many talents: meth distribution, fast food chain restaurant owner, box cutter aficionado, tie straightener, and free throw king.

Mentally ill people, handicapped people, and anyone with some sort of health issue can be just as much an asshole as anyone else. Their condition does not excuse being an asshole.