
Gus' speech had me like "America, FUCK YEAH!!!"

I was expecting Hector to piss in that pool again.

To be fair every once in a while Mike's story line has to take over. The past couple episodes were primarily focused on Jimmy. So a Mike episode was bound to pop up.

I don't know, the Cartel made me more nervous for those poor employees. I mean they were just a bunch of kids and young adults who weren't doing anything wrong.

I could watch Mike torture Chuck with a power drill all day.

I know EXACTLY what you mean. I just got finished college, getting a degree in criminal justice, and am in the process of applying to different police departments to put me through the academy to become an officer. So while I may not have any first hand experience at the moment, I know how important computers are to

I 100% agree. He may have been curt, but he was totally right. He's trying to run an effective police department. Doing so means being up to date in their technology to effectively and safely police the community. You can't do that when one of your employees has a bug up his or her ass about not liking technology that

Well just so you know, I don't recommend season 2 either.

Mike Milligan was competent, but I'd say he was more lucky than anything, and Hanzee was a war hero. And even he got fucked up by Peggy twice (once by stabbing him with the scissors and also throwing hot coffee in his face). Though I guess I would also concede Mr Wrench and Mr. Numbers as super professionals. But

To be fair I'd argue Hanzee was a justified case considering he was a war hero.

I wouldn't say each season had super professional criminals. The only one I'd say who was super professional was Malvo in season 1. The rest of their villains range from dumb, to lucky, to simply competent. While I know the majority of criminals are pretty dumb, there still will be criminals who are competent


The biker thing wasn't all bad. When he was the "Big Evil" persona wasn't bad. But the "American Badass" was crap.

He was also the good preacher in True Detective season 1.

Sure there are. In fact Scaramouche used one just the other day to call Aku to tell him about Jack having lost his sword.

Honestly I can't take credit for that. It was entirely unintentional.

Yeah, I know who he was, but I just didn't understand the connection to Shea Wigham's character. Thus far he's pretty much been in the right unlike Ben or Molly's boss Bill who were both either assholes, incompetent, or both and were obstructive to the heroes. Granted this new chief was curt, but he's also seemed

I'm not sure I follow what you mean…

As much as Gloria may be one of the more competent characters in the show, her aversion to computers really hinders her ability to do good police work in the 21st century. The new chief was kinda in the right to chew her out.

I'd say a tad more than just a bit.