
Well except for that period of time when his entrance theme was Limp Bizkit. That was the worst. Ugh…. (shivers)….

Shyamalan: "What a twist!!!"

She's kinda his Lady MacBeth.

Well they are being absorbed by the county police department.

Well the um tampon stunt was nasty, and considerably dumb too considering she just left her DNA there.

Nah that's typically more of the start for an action movie.

To be fair, given how boring Deidre is, I'd imagine telling her you prefer the toilet paper under not over would be considered sexy/bad/dangerous.

Almost ironic that it was Gabriel who hardened Philip's resolve in this matter. The fact that he didn't tell Elizabeth just made it all the worse.

Claudia was so transparent in how she was trying to push Elizabeth into recruiting Paige it's almost amazing that she ever made it as a spy.

Eh, so long as he doesn't say he's 2 days away from retirement he'll be fine. That the REAL killer.

Emphasis on killer.

I think we can effectively say after this episode that there will be a fallout between Philip and Elizabeth, and it will be about Paige.

Vile does not necessarily mean evil. One of vile's definitions includes "extremely unpleasant". Chuck more than qualifies.

No I'm looking at it from an objective observer who can see all the facts as they are presented. You are assuming that I am only seeing it from Jimmy's perspective.

I never said Jimmy was the "good guy". I said he was a decent guy. And now you're stretching it by saying that just because a character is motivated by pure hate that makes them one dimensional. A character who is motivated by a pure hatred does not make a character one dimensional. To say that for a character's pure

I'm sorry but you really can't spin it some other way. Doing so would be disingenuous. You're trying to see something in Chuck that isn't there. Changing perspective doesn't change what's true. Trying to see it through Chuck's eyes would be lying to yourself just as much as he's lying to himself. Chuck being a

So you think that to coerce a confession out of his brother to a crime he has not one single shred of evidence that said crime even occurred, then set up an unsuspecting hard working employee who's been working for you to take care of all your insane compulsions to tell his friend whom he'd worry about just to cause

Nah. The way he talked about Jimmy (before he even become a lawyer) to his then wife, how he wouldn't tell Jimmy their mother's last words, and how he never once gave him the benefit of the doubt as a lawyer when he was bending over backwards to stay on the straight and narrow while accommodating his insane phobia all


No this has been about Chuck trying to get Jimmy to lose his law degree since day one. You can argue that he didn't want Jimmy to go to prison all you want, but I don't buy it. I see it as him trying to put Jimmy in a position where either alternative is him losing his license. No one who loves another person would do