
To be honest I doubt that Jesus would vote democrat either though. To be honest I've always figured that to use Jesus as either pro communist or pro capitalist is a folly argument. Jesus talked about faith and how to treat each other, not about how governments should treat people (render unto Caesar that which is

I don't know. Maybe it's just his hardening Philip's resolve to keep Paige out of their business any more than she is already involved. Because Gabriel has a much better grasp on people than Claudia does. I mean seriously she's pretty cold hearted.

At the very least Elizabeth would know if they were willing to keep Philip in the dark. Like you said, it'd be too dangerous for them to not know.

True, I'm just joking in how that's pretty much what he's believed since the beginning, and how he would have liked that to happen much earlier.

Yeah I'm not sure the FBI would approve of honey traps. That said maybe the CIA might be wanting to keep an eye on Stan.

Like he should talk. The last time he was talking to someone on his death bed, all he did was offer him a Coke.

I like my martini shaken not stirred, eh.

Pfffff, no way. She's definitely an agent for the Canadian government.

"You were right about Paige. She should be kept out of all this."
Gee, thanks. That makes EVERYTHING SOOOOOO much better…….

I hope for Stan's sake he can manage to pull off some magic that makes it that they have to begrudgingly have to keep him on.

Yeah he kind of always struck me as the "I'm trying to save the whales, so that means I can cheat on my girlfriends" type of guy. The type who thinks it's he's owed that sort of thing because he's involved in some sort of noble cause.

Now I want to SEE her crush his tiny black heart assuming he has one.

He's far from the most evil, but he's easily the most despicable.

Nah, The Americans is the best show on TV.

Not really. It still would have been murder regardless, it's just that after the reveal the murder goes from believing it (yet not knowing it) was a lesser of two evils to just evil. It still would have been an evil act.

Oh I agree. I was just talking in terms of how these characters would view themselves.

That's the point they didn't know, yet they murdered a man anyway. They killed him over their suspicions, paranoia, and prejudice. No facts, no credible informants, nothing to concretely say that there was ever a credible threat.

That's not enough to murder a man over, especially when the US's friends as well as their allies were getting shitty exports.

Except this wasn't a battle. There was no threat whatsoever. A man was murdered because of paranoia and prejudicial judgement. How can deaths of innocents be justified when they don't even have evidence that an attack was ever in the works?

I can't answer that, but more importantly that really doesn't factor in here. My point is when you are literally killing people who are trying to save the world for a wild goose chase, at what point do you stop and think to yourself how am I doing the right thing when my efforts served no purpose and my actions made