
Oooooooohhhh, she's a lumber jack and she's okay!

When one of the people you just murdered were trying to end world hunger, and all you can do is chalk that up to "we made a mistake" and "we'll be more careful next time" you have to wonder, at what point do you finally say "is it possible we're the bad guys here". I mean I know the whole thing is far more

Not to mention I murdered a guy who was working towards ending world hunger.

Nope. It's a very serialized show.

Not necessarily so much a safe space, just want to enjoy something without is having to get political. Politics don't have to be brought up all the time.

Not necessarily. Maybe he's just tired of the invasiveness of politics into pop culture. Your political affiliation doesn't matter, anyone can be tired of that.

Depends of your perspective. One could also argue that after Chuck expressed his belief that Jimmy could never really reform or be anything respectable, Jimmy quit trying or gradually quit trying, believing that no one would really accept his attempts at reform. When he believed Chuck was proud of him, he had no

My and Banks' biggest grip was that he left his granddaughter at the park. Banks said that it was totally out of character for Mike, and I 100% agree.

You should really check it out.

That and also what Kim said. He pushed Jimmy to being who he is. Jimmy never complained about doing things the "right way" when he thought he was making his brother proud. But really Chuck was willing to screw over Jimmy's law practice any chance he had. Chuck was offended at the thought of his "screw up" brother

Chuck's one of those assholes who spout their own moral superiority, yet are just as bad if not worse than the people they hate, and add to that his "everyone else's fault but his own"/"my shit don't stink" complex he's quite the contemptible human being.

Ethical and legal are two very different things. Also him threatening Ernie was definitely not kosher.

We all do.

"It's pretty bad ass."

Well maybe Art could be the Marshal assigned to their case.

Well they could defect to the US. I'm sure they could get witness protection. Maybe even get US Marshal Raylan Givens assigned to their case!

Man if I could only find a woman that excited by spreadsheets……
I'm so lonely. :'(

To be fair the woman he was "working" didn't look all that psyched either.

Well they may not have the right card, but it's the thought that counts.

No, that Henry was a mathematical genius.