
I'm also worrying for Mischa. I mean could you imagine if the Center would kill him how Philip would react to that?


Agree, though I think you mean Philip not Michael. :)

Nobody's going to argue that him doing that was right, but he was willing to accept the consequences of it. If he still had to go to prison and Oleg would be safe, he would have accepted it. That may not square his moral debt, but it does put him on the right path.

While that may be true, the fact that Japan (one of our allies) was also getting bad grain along with the USSR would make me believe it wasn't intentional (as in an intentional attack)

Yeah, I mean I'm not acting like the US were a bunch of saints (I mean just look at what the CIA's doing to poor Oleg), but I just don't buy that they're planning an attack on the USSR that attacks poor people's food. More importantly, the fact that they're setting us up to believe it's meant as an attack on the USSR

Seriously. I mean it hurt just hearing Oleg say that he shouldn't have trusted Stan, when Stan's here doing his best to save him at his own expense.

Well he's of good Soviet stock, and Mother Russia makes you grow strong!

She was pretty damn shaken up after that. On top of that, it was during the time her mother was dying. So I'm pretty sure it was hard for her.

I don't know forcing that old woman to commit suicide might have topped that.

I think it's more about Stan actually trying to be the good person he's supposed to be. He's no longer letting himself think that just because he works for the FBI (the so called good guys) that makes him good. He's now actually trying to be a good guy.

Okay, I think I know what the wheat eating bugs are really for. The Russian defector (I forget his name) said that in the USSR's means of transporting grain is so crappy that it spoils in transit. My working theory is that these bugs are for eating the rotten crops, so when they are bunched together they might not

Okay I'm nominating Stan for TV good guy of the year award. Seriously, he's ready to face the consequences for murdering that KGB agent, and is willing to fall on that sword to save Oleg.

Pass. This is another bs stunt to boost Marvel's shitty sales. This isn't REALLY bringing the characters that fans want to see return. This is just some reality warp or clone thing.

I'm of the opposite opinion. I think his mysterious past was important to his character. There was always the mystery to him that he never knew. Him not knowing his own past was a great internal conflict. Personally I think they should have never revealed it.

And the tangerines were the best too.

And what if they are being used to test pest resistant crops? Is he just supposed to say no because something COULD be used for something bad. There are plenty of products throughout human history that have the capacity to be used for something destructive or evil, yet their intended purpose was to help people out,

And what if the reason he's breeding them is for the purpose of testing pest resistant crops? You say the beauty of capitalism, but at least with capitalism he's not only paid for his services but he can decide to not do it. If he were somewhere else he could instead be ordered to do this or face going to prison.

Oh no doubt our government can be real assholes (I mean just look at what the CIA's doing to poor Oleg), I'm just not sure that this is one of those times.

No I get where the Russians are coming from, I'm just saying I don't think it's planned as an attack and that Cold War paranoia is making them think this way.