
But I don't think this is an intentional attack though.

Reminds me of that one time I forget the season/episode but it was before she found out about her parents. She was out doing something, and when questioned about it she was making this elaborate lie that would have easily fallen apart, and then she asked Philip where Elizabeth was and Philip was just like "she's out".

I never got the internet's obsession with Barb, if anyone I felt sorry for it was Benny the diner guy. Guy was just helping Eleven and trying to do the right thing, then bang he's murdered for trying to be a good person.

I like to think Henry stumbled into Stranger Things and is now stuck in the upside down, and like Barb no one cares.

I really feel bad for Randy, I mean he was just making bugs for whoever paid him to do so. He wasn't going out there to destroy crops or anything.

I don't know, but I just don't buy that this is what the show's making it seem like. I think a curve ball's headed for us and that it's the paranoia making us think it's an attack/weapon.

Well that's understandable. As a sniper he always has to be ready to discharge his weapon.

He may not have had a hat, but he knew how to blow shit up.
Edit: More importantly he had one Hell of a silver tongue (it even gave Tim a boner).

I still think that this is going to end up being that the Americans are testing pesticides and that this was a wild goose chase. And, that's going to make that poor guy's death even more tragic.

Indeed, but hey seeing as I'm training to be a police officer, I should always be striving to be the best version of me I could possibly be. :)

I just aim to be at least Constable Bob levels of cool. If I can achieve that I'll know I've succeeded in life.

Few people can. It's a fact.

You'll never be able to pull it of like Raylan Givens though.

"Well" is a relative term for poor Martha.

Exactly. It couldn't have ended more perfectly, but I still want more because I love it that much.

So I'm guessing that it's not an attack rather just poor exports, because I noticed that you said in another post even Japan was getting shitty crops.

Fucking miss Justified so much. You can never get over Justified ending, even though it ended perfectly.

Honestly, I think Stan has been becoming more likable since season 3. I mean in season 1 and 2 he was a real asshole, but I think his life falling apart has been the wake up call he needed. He may not be able to be a "normal" guy anymore, but I think he's been trying to be a "good guy" like he thinks he's supposed to

What I'm curious of is the US really tampering with the crops? I mean what we saw didn't look good, but do we really know if it's an attack on the USSR's food or are they just doing some other form of research. There's no real way of knowing at this point without any form of corroborating evidence.

I'm glad to see Stan really trying to save Oleg, and how upset he was at the idea of the US not being the "good guys". It's like I've said in past seasons that I think Stan's really trying to be the "good guy" that he thinks he or at least the FBI should be instead of just thinking that he's good because of who he