
Why didn't they burn William's body?

I just couldn't help but feel sorry for Stan. Like I said in previous reviews, I think his time undercover with the Nazis just made it that he has no really idea how to be "normal" anymore. It's really sad.

"Do the Jennings like Agent Beeman?"

I mean it's not like it was amazing or anything, but after all it was only the pilot. Most of the characters still need time to become fully formed. It was good. Not bad, not great, but good. I feel like if the show were given some time it has the potential to be pretty good. I mean it already has Walton Goggins in

I don't know, I don't think it was that bad. Goggins was clearly the stand out. I don't know, I think there may be potential here.

To be honest overall I think AMC is overrated. It's only truly great shows are Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and Mad Men (which wasn't really my thing but I'll still acknowledge it as highly praised) That's three shows where one is a spin off of the other and the other two are cancelled. FX over the course of their

Stranger Things is too low.

The Americans was hands down the best show of the year. Probably has been since Justified ended.

I see Hell or High Water as the love child of No Country for Old Men and Heat.

Actually no. I must have missed that one. :(
Edit: I'll have to check it out.

I love Hell or High Water.

For me, my favorite film of the year is hands down Hell or High Water. It was just such a good movie. It also kind of reminded me of a revisionist western you'd see from the 60's and 70's. I could have easily seen Paul Newman and Robert Redford as the brothers,and John Wayne as the Texas Ranger.

I kinda see Hell or High Water as if Michael Mann's Heat and No Country for Old Men had a baby. Also, as always I love Justified and miss it so damn much.

True. Either way, I think MJ is too soon for these movies. Part of what made her interesting was her rivalry with Gwen and how she changed as a result of Gwen being killed. MJ should be saved for maybe when Peter's in college. But that's just my opinion.

That's true too. Which is a shame. I just mean to say that when the character isn't as important in the source material, the film makers or show runners have a bit more creative freedom. They can expand on the role and give him or her a more interesting role so they aren't a shackled by the source material. They

That's honestly why I don't buy it. Why did Sony and Marvel say she was "Michelle" and now an "anonymous source" say she's MJ. It's click bait. That's all it is.

To be honest I think changing the race of a character like Heimdall or Perry White is good because they aren't very interesting, and putting a good actor in the role gives the character a chance to be more interesting. The Heimdall of the movies is far more interesting than the one in the comics. That said I think

Honestly I don't buy it. Pretty sure they said she was playing Michelle Gonzales, and this is just a way to stir up controversy to get more people to talk about it.

Well to be fair that was a one off stunt. She turned black for what an issue? She went back to being her classic look the next issue. It's not like she was portrayed as black for a long period of time like Selina whose look has changed a ton over the decades.

Catwoman has indeed changed a ton over the years. Lois and MJ, not so much.