
Honestly, that's because Catwoman has had so many different interpretations it's hard to say which is iconic. I mean look at all the actresses who played her, and all the different costumes she's had.

Yeah, just those hugely beloved films that hold up incredibly well, and are still very popular.

Considering the first two Raimi films are 2 of the most loved superhero films both by critics and audiences, I'd say so.

To be fair Matt's hair is still red in the show. It's just a really dark red, instead of the ginger he's usually depicted as having.

Maybe prior to the 2002 film, but not post 2002.

I think it's fair. MJ is probably the most iconic comic book love interest outside of Lois Lane and Catwoman (though to be fair Catwoman is more than just a love interest).

I think they may have called him Ned Leads though. As a nick name as a play on how reporters get leads in a case. Also Liz Allen was Puerto Rican in the cartoon as well.

Ned Leeds was Asian in the Spectacular Spiderman cartoon. I think he went by Ned Lee.

Don't just think about it, do it. Season 1 is a bit case of the week, but by the end of that season it becomes more serialized. Seasons 2,3,4, and 6 (it's final season) are some of the best TV has to offer.

I think Jonathan Tucker, who played Boon on Justified, would be a better Bullseye.

I just up voted your post just because of your user name and how it's one of the best lines from Justified.

He should have got a best supporting actor nod for The Hateful Eight. He stole the movie in my opinion, and that's saying a lot considering how good Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, and Jennifer Jason Leigh were

The fact that he hasn't won an Emmy for either The Shield or Justified is an injustice.

Let's face it this was shit from the word go. The only reason Uncle Buck is beloved and remembered is because it was a vehicle for John Candy. No one is Uncle Buck except John Candy. So remaking this was a bad idea from the start. Hell, they should have learned the first time they tried to remake Uncle Buck and it

Well yeah. I wasn't saying it wasn't from Philip's perspective. I was only ever talking about the perspective of Stan and Philip.

That goes without saying.

I actually have nothing wrong with him being happy for his son, but him telling Philip with the same level of excitement is where I think it's a bit weird.

Anyone else love Henry saying we lost big time when talking about the super bowl how it pretty much reflected how the Jenning pretty much lost big time for this season.

No I don't mean he knew who Stan was or even who Philip or Elizabeth were. I'm saying maybe more in spite of the Center than anyone in particular. Kind just letting the FBI have something to go on because he has nothing to show for it, and frankly I doubt he'd betray the USSR consciously, rather his bitterness and

The interesting thing is would Mischa be happy his father works for the KGB considering he was protesting the state and was arrested for it. Maybe he was going to America in part to get away from a country that suppresses any criticism of the state. Maybe he will be a reason for Philip to want to defect. It's a very