
See I wonder if that was him being delirious or he was just pissed he's dying the way he was for ultimately nothing. If I had to guess, maybe a bit of both.

I've always kind of suspected all his time undercover with the white supremacists has more or less ruined his perspective on what is "normal". Like he no longer fits in with normal people. Not saying he's a bad person,I think since season 3 he's been trying to be better than who he was, but he's still not quite right.

So Philip's son was protesting the USSR and it landed him in prison, and now he's coming to find Philip. That should be be interesting. Especially considering Philip's EST meeting has him saying he doesn't give a shit about the people he's working for.

Philip married Clark?

It helps you burp your lungs and stomach up faster!

I guess he was maybe just happy for his son getting some action after seeing a man die in such a horrible way. Kinda like you need to see someone being happy to know the world isn't such a dark place. That said it was still pretty weird for him to be telling Philip about it.

I don't know about a father happy seeing his son getting some action, but telling Philip seems odd. I mean no dad wants to know about his daughter making out with some boy.

Coke. The preferred beverage of people about to die from having their organs liquefied.

It better not be any of that New Coke shit.

Aren't we all. I'm still bitter.

To be fair they made Gwen Stacy screw Norman Osborn and had his children and had Peter sell his marriage to the Devil and these are still both canon.

I mean I'm sure she can explain away how she was trained to "defend" herself as part of her training, but it's going to be next to impossible to explain how she was able to kill without any feeling or regret. How she can act like it's no big deal.

I loved that ending. Paige was just starting to think okay, so maybe things aren't so bad, then BOOM. Elizabeth goes full on badass on two would be rapists, and she freaks the fuck out because "Oh my God, mom just killed a dude, like it was nothing!"

To be fair he was invited by Comrade Henry.

Frequency is going to be hot garbage. Instead of a story about a father and son connecting, them having to have to stop a serial killer takes a second place to the emotional bonding between the father and son, it's going to be some stupid police procedural with a sci fi element.

That's why I only said she might not be dead. They still may have killed her.

I keep feeling like this season is going to be the season where the Jenning's chickens come home to roost, and next season will be about the fall out.

That's a fair point too. That said they're eventually going to be in a position where they can't JUST deny. They're going to need to back up their denial, especially if it's something that's true.

A B for a show like The Americans is like an A++ for most other shows.

To be fair hasn't that ship already sailed considering she already thought it was them? At least saying "if we're the monster's you're implying we are why would we not make Alice disappear too when she could send us all to prison" could at least make her think yeah that does make sense and maybe think that she was