
Well the FBI did fire him despite him not actually being at fault. They might have figured they could have bought some information from him thinking maybe he's disgruntled.

I'd guess that they would want to know what information he had when he was in the FBI. I mean sure it'd be old information, but it'd be something to build on. Stuff he knew about but wouldn't talk to friends or neighbors about.

Actually the irony is that it wouldn't be an accurate suspicion, but not because her parent would never kill someone, rather because if it were them Tim and Alice would both be dead.

Elizabeth is so into the KGB Kool-Aid that she bursts through walls going "Oh Yeah".

Honestly, I'm surprised they didn't tell her that if it was them why would they leave Alice around to go to the FBI. I mean sure they'd have to say it in a way that doesn't make them sound like they've done that kind of thing before. Probably more of a how would it make sense/logic sort of way. I mean seriously if you

The team that gets reassigned to the Arctic Circle.

So we finally saw Kimmy again. About time.

Not to mention Martha's pretty much gone too. Granted she might not be dead, but for I'd say she's effectively out of the show.


Good night John-Boy. Where ever you are. :(

I get why it's loved, but I just do not like No Country for Old Men. I mean the acting, the cinematography, the directing are all top notch, but it just rubs me the wrong way.

I think that's less him wanting to go to Russia, and more him wanting to keep his family safe.

Closer to 70%, but that's only in terms of man power. The US was integral for their manufacturing. While the US may not have been the most important in terms of troops (in Europe) they were very important in terms of industry.

I think if they were CIA agents stationed in Russia with kids born in Russia they wouldn't be able to go back to the US either. I feel like having your spies have a family in the nation they are spying on makes them put down too many roots that cutting them would be extremely difficult for them to cut.

Soldiers dying to protect their homeland is indeed a brave and heroic thing, my issue is how many were killed because of incompetence by the higher ups early in the war.

I'm not saying they consider themselves stateless, just that their ties to Russia are more abstract rather than concrete. While I agree Elizabeth by herself could go back, I can't see her wanting to if it meant leaving her children, and I doubt she'd want to take her kids back to the Motherland. As for Philip, granted

They also disproportionately suffered casualties due to incompetence by their military leaders early on in the war. That is what I mean by needlessly.

I'm sure many did, but I have my doubt that many of them we living as a married couple with kids. I'm sure some were (because this show is based on a couple that were spies that had kids here), but I doubt the majority were.

Yeah I can see that.

There was no one real destroyer of Nazism. The Allies beat the Nazis. Not America, not the UK, not the Soviet Union. No one country would have won WW2.