
Well I was never saying they would consider themselves Americans rather that I don't think they qualify as Russian anymore.

Fair point. How people identify after they immigrate differs person to person.

Sure they could, but would they want to? Going back to Russia seems more of a last resort thing than something they ever plan on doing.

When I say disgruntled I meant in terms of people willing to betray their own country, not immigrants in search of a better life.

Difference is those people are actually disgruntled with their homeland. How many of them have relatively happy well adjusted families that have no reason to leave? You think Martha's happy in Russia? Do you think Henry or Paige'd be happy in Russia? Do you think Philip and Elizabeth would ever want to do that to

Yeah I could imagine. They were probably brainwashed into believing that sending under equipped troops to die needlessly to was a "noble" thing, and that executing deserters was a good thing too.

You think she'd adjust to living like the rest of the citizens of the Soviet Union after living for around 20 years like an American has? Who does she really know in Russia? What ties does she really have to Russia aside from her allegiance? Her mother's dead, so it's not like she really has a family to return to. Her

What I found quite humorous was when she said that the virus was made to destroy "us". Who exactly is "us" Elizabeth? The people in the USSR who you haven't even seen in what? Twenty years? Your children ARE Americans. You live an American life. You could never go back to the same life style you lived before you came

Did anyone else think Philip looked a bit like Stalin with this week's disguise?

Pretty sure the 616 version of the character was retconned into being either a Gulf War vet or a veteran from Iraq or Afghanistan in Greg Rucka's recent run. Side note, Greg Rucka's run was excellent. Not Garth Ennis Punisher MAX good, but certainly a respectable second.

The only thing I can say is that Logan himself isn't written terribly, but the overall story is pretty much typical Millar crap.

I never once stated my personal political ideology. I'd feel the same had you been attacking people for being liberal or conservative. You are the only one here not showing you are capable of being in a rational discussion because you want to condensed to anyone you do not politically agree with. I prefer to listen to

So anyone who is a libertarian to you is one of the dumbest people on the planet? Way to show how open minded you are. To say one group of people are stupid for their political beliefs is about as ignorant as you can get. I could say the same about liberals or conservatives, and neither would be true, because this is

So the only people who oppose fascism are liberal? The truth is Cap has been written conservatively and liberally by the different writers who have written him over the years. Cap is a political Rorschach for who ever is reading and writing him, because we see what we think is the truly best . Does he have a liberal

I kinda see it as Chloe's the one you have a fling with, but in the end you just end up friends. Elena's the girl you marry and have kids with.

Funny thing is a lot of the movies based on his work are better than his comics. For example Kick Ass the movie is leagues better than his crappy book.

I mean we also see Winter Soldier kill Tony's parents too.

He is.

There's plenty of outcry against the whitewashing of the Ancient One in the up coming Dr. Strange film. I feel like for the most part fans are sticklers for accuracy to the comics. That said I haven't heard much fuss raised over the gender and sexuality change Jeryn Hogarth in Jessica Jones, the race change to Ben

The sad part is Peter isn't defined by his youth. He's defined by being an everyman. It was great when he was growing up and getting married. Right now Spiderman in the comics should be a grown ass adult who is married with kids. We've already seen him balance school, work, dating, and heroics. Usually heroics takes