
I have a difficult time calling Cap a liberal character, the same way I have a hard time calling him a conservative character. Cap is seen as the embodiment of American ideals. The problem is people see those ideals differently. Conservatives would see him as a conservative character and liberals would see him as a

Also Tony was even saying that Spiderman should keep his distance and just web them. Tony was doing his best to keep Peter from getting hurt.

Maybe she'll be watching Star Trek 4 seeing Chekov asking about the "nuclear wessels".

And thanks to Justified and Raylan Givens we also know Jim Beam is the preferred whiskey of the US Marshals.

I think you mean Philip, not Stan.

Are you sure he isn't a Commie? Both he and Henry don't like the burned cheese on their mac and cheese. Only a Godless, heathen, Commie doesn't love the burned cheese.

But hey, if they're Commies it's "the people's beer" not the Jenning's beer. So really it's anyone's beer. ;)

I like that this show is on Wednesday. That way I can watch a good show after I bitch and moan about all the stupid shit I just watched on Arrow.

Damn it Matthew you took too many beers, and now your dad has to borrow beer from the Russian spies next door. You're going to cause the down fall of the free world because you took too many beers!

I never thought I'd see it but for once the Center, specifically Gabriel, actually started to treat it's agents like human fucking beings, and not like expendable assets. I mean it only took how much of their souls for them to finally do it?

Yup, and they'll probably give the Emmy for best actress to someone else who isn't even in the same league as Russell. Fucking Emmys. >:(

I can't help but think she's dead. Maybe they killed her in Cuba or maybe in the USSR, but I just can't help but think she's dead.

I gotta go with Stephen Root for Micro.

I still thin Bernthal deserves an Emmy for Best Supporting Actor. He was great in Daredevil. I'm super excited for this.

I think the Center's going to kill her, they just won't let Philip know.

I wouldn't be surprised if that were part of it, but it really seems that at times she really doesn't actually get people. I mean she really thought when Reagan was shot it was a coup. She never really got that the people in the US aren't like that. There are other examples, but I'm kinda tired so I won't go into more

I think the thing is Philip knows she'd hate it in Russia, and has no love for their cause. But, it's all he can offer. He can't bring himself to kill her. He cares about her too much. So he's pitching something he knows won't work, because the alternative is her death. And, he can't live with that. It's truly tragic.

I find it funny that Philip is the one trying to tell her how much her sacrifice means, and how she'll be treated great in Russia, because he knows how much bullshit that is. She didn't betray her country for ideology or because she was disgruntled. She did it because she loved him. All the honors the USSR could give

Exactly. And like I said, Stan probably doesn't care that much about his son having a beer or two. I mean illegal or not it's going to happen, but at least he can take steps to lessen the likelihood of him doing something even dumber.

I feel like Elizabeth has never really "got it". She never really understood Philip or why people are the way they are. To her people have to act in a certain manner, but doesn't get that people are more complex than that. I mean sure she's good at manipulating people, but she really isn't that good at understanding