
Yeah I'd guess he doesn't mind his son having a beer or two. Maybe it's his way of thinking if he's going to drink, have him drink at home where he can't get in trouble.

Seriously, show of hands, who else is flabbergasted Martha's still alive right now?


To be fair though, did Philip really shit the bed? I'd argue the Center's continued give and no take relationship with it's agents and assets is what really shit the bed.

Lenny: … I thought someone with two wives would be happy.
Carl: No, you're thinking of someone with two knives.
Moe: I gotta tell ya, this is pretty terrific.

The thing I like about Breaking Bad and The Americans is that while it'd be easy to make Hank or Stan incompetent, they instead make it out that there's more to why they didn't notice who they were after was right under their nose. They are both very good at their job, but they have a sort of blind spot where the

Son of a bitch you beat me to it.

Well he's obviously a Dirty Communist. I mean what American doesn't like the burned cheese from their Macaroni and Cheese.

Well that's why I only said the KGB will try to snuff her, not that she will actually die. And, even if she does cut a deal, she still is going to be moved somewhere away from everything. So she's still SOL.

No matter who it is it's going to cause a deeper riff between Philip and the Center.

No way the KGB doesn't try to snuff Martha. They can't trust her, and the only way she'll leave is with "Clark". And, there's no way Philip can stay with her. She is SOL.

To be fair, I'd argue Stan does know. I mean obviously he doesn't know who Philip is or what he does, but I'd argue he does know that Philip is a good guy. Philip is a tragic hero. A good man who does bad thing (things he hates doing and feels like shit all the time about) not because of patriotism, but because he has

Pretty sure one of the heads of FX has even said they will let The Americans finish on when it wants to, or something like that.

I can agree to that. It was more of just it was a touchy subject for Stan. Neither one of them were really wrong.

And that is why FX is awesome.

Stan and Philip are friends again. All is right with the world.

Regardless, The Americans is still a show full of that kid's parents having sex with each other and other people. That kid will never be able to enjoy this show.

Maybe we just watched them conceive their first child.

She already saw them 69, and she knows they're Russian spies. Seeing them go at it like that couldn't possibly screw her up any worse than they already have.