
Constance was Peggy's boss.

Can you prove there aren't UFOs?

Lou was being conservative when he said last season you could stack the bodies high enough to climb to the second floor.

Fair enough.

2) "John Wayne" (i.e., the archetypal hero in a Western) would, as a matter of honor, choose to let his adversary draw and shoot first.

John Wayne has shot first in several films. Lucas is full of shit.

Hell, he shot first in The Shootist, The Searchers, and I'm pretty sure even in Rio Bravo. I'm sure he shot first in a Hell of a lot of other films too.


John Wayne has shot plenty of people first when someone had a gun pointed at him. There's a difference between cold blooded killer and killing someone who has a gun pointed at you in self defense which Han shooting first was: self defense.

Yeah I think there normally needs to be some sort of emphasis brought to the gun. Maybe had the clerk tried to sell one of them then they'd be a Chekov's gun.

Is that the same cabin from season 1 and the movie?

The scene kinda mirrored the ending with Lou and Hank coming in at the last minute to save Ed and Peggy.

Also to Simone being just like Dodd, she also seems to have a very negative view towards men. Granted that could be considered understandable considering her father, but still it's another similarity.

The problem is that Simone was more or less her father. An over grown child who had to have everything her way. She even showed that she had a negative view towards men, much like how Dodd is a misogynist. Neither one of them cared about the consequences of their actions, only that they were getting what they wanted.

I feel that even though season 5 was below par for the show it still showed how good the show was because the writers had to make major rewrites at the last minute because the actor who played Jean Baptiste dropped out and his character was supposed to have a much bigger roll than he did. So even though season 5

I saw Tull a few years ago (Jesus pretty close to 10 yeas ago now that I think of it). It was the first consort I've ever been to. Such a great show, such a great band.

Honestly, I'm glad she's dead, but that still doesn't make the scene any less emotionally charged.

Well Bear is too old to rock 'n roll, but he's too young to die, so they better bring him his broadsword, otherwise there will be a fire at midnight on the Gerhardts' compound.

The inclusion of Jethro Tull automatically makes this episode a 10 out of 10.

Might be from the up coming Sioux Falls massacre.