
The flash back was in 1951. The Korean War 1950-1953. Elron was probably already in the military if not dead by then.

See. I knew I'd miss someone. Lou was not kidding when he said that you could stack them up to the second floor.

The man may have to clean the shit and piss in his shorts, but damn it the man did one Hell of a job with a shot gun pointed right in his face.

3 in the waffle hut
1 ran over and stabbed
1 burred alive
2 body guards killed by Mike and the Kitchen Bros.
1 meat cleavered
15 in the forest
1 gun thug tonight
and the old man they said died too in the preview. Not counting the flashback to Dodd's childhood first killing, I count 25. I would not be surprised if I missed

I think back to the scene in season 1 where Malvo was in Lou's diner. I remember feeling so tense, because I though Malvo was going to kill Lou or something. Now, I'm like I don't know, Lou even old and with a bad leg might have been able to take Malvo.

Same, then I thought Hanzee was going to shoot it out with Lou. That would have been awesome. Man, there is one Hell of a blood bath coming.

And the award for biggest brass balls goes to…
Lou Solverson.

Yup, Sioux Falls.

Very true. Both parties do suck.

At least he got out while he was ahead.

Colin Farrell's character in my opinion was the only good character on the show.

Well usually it's most justifiable use is in self defense or the defense of others. And, most of the characters who used violence on Fargo are pretty much bad guys. Bad guys aren't know for justifiable use of violence in most cases.

I won't go into a debate about Carter or Reagan because that would just be kicking the hornets' nest taking either side, but I will say that yes violence and the threat of violence is an answer. It isn't THE answer to all problems. There is seldom one answer for all problems, but sometimes the only answer is violence

Lou also mentions it at some other point, and Ben Schmidt also says something to the effect of "It's goddamn Sioux Falls all over again" (like Sharkophagus said) when Gus tells him that he pulled over Malvo and let him go, but that clip was the most notable scene about Sioux Falls in season 1.

Mike killed the scared nurse because she was a witness.

To be fair to Hank, while he isn't a great detective he knows enough to not obstruct officers he knows are better detectives than himself like Bill did to Molly in season 1.

Most gun owners are normal. It's just the nut cases get all the press.

After all he saw in Vietnam, I honestly doubt it.

I feel a show can have too many characters if the writer can't handle a large cast. A writer can be talented, but only be able to handle writing a few characters. It depends on the writer, and what their strengths are. I guess I'm saying a writer just needs to play to his or her strength. Season 2 of True Detective