
The difference between the pilot to Fargo S2 and True Detective S2 (besides one being good and the other not being good) is that Fargo kicked off the plot right away. Season 2 of True Detective spent too much time on the sub plots of the main characters and only tied everything together at the END of the episode. Also

Yup, he was Gus' boss on the police force.

Lou's no slouch in the detective category either. I'd say Betsy's better at putting the puzzles together (putting the evidence together and coming to a conclusion), and Lou's a better judge of character. He's able to see weakness, when they're hiding something, etc. And that's not to say Betsy isn't a good judge of

He might have been asked to leave the department due to allegations of corruption. Nothing may ever have been proven, but he might have been pressured to leave, and he took the best law enforcement job he could find.

Ben Schmidt and Molly Solverson. :)

Lou's way too badass to look away first. All the shit he's seen in Vietnam, and the fact that while he was staring down Dodd he had all the Gerhardts goons were ready to shoot him.

So now we know why Lou called Ben an asshole in season 1 when talking to Gus. I mean Ben Schmidt was still an asshole in season 1, but now we know Lou's experience with him.

To be fair Lou also had his .357 magnum pointed at him, not the twins. So while Lou certainly would have died, Mike would have died too. He knew that, and that's why he'd rather not have it end in gun fire.

I agree. Malvo is the Devil incarnate. Mike is more of a business man/criminal thug but totally alien to the area.

I maintain that Bill's refugee kid's story was foreshadowing the happy ending we got. In the kid's story everything was going wrong and it felt like all was lost, but in the end everything turned out for the best, just like how everything turned out for the best in season 1.

No, me and my whole family heard Billy Bob too.

I think True Detective season 2 was a result of Nic Pizzolatto not being able to take criticism well or was trying to please everybody (which is impossible). For example some people thought that the ending to season 1 was too up beat that not only Rust would live but also have a positive outlook on life for the first

Yeah there's definitely a Bennett vibe coming from them. Also, good to see you man.

Well he killed Rye in self defense. Had they called the police and told the truth, he'd get off because he didn't do anything wrong up to that point. She would have gone to prison though. That's why he's covering it up, and as a result now committing a crime. Before it was self defense, now it's at least manslaughter

To be fair, to my understanding that show was made, so they could keep making other better shows. A sort of covering costs type of thing.

I'm calling it now, Peggy's going to seduce her boss so her boss will be complaisant in a lie she'll make up for an alibi, saying that she (Peggy) was with her boss when Rye died, and Ed was the one who killed Rye, hit him with the car, and when she suggested going to the police he hit her and threatened her not to

I really do love FX. They give us great shows like Fargo, The Americans, Justified, and The Shield, yet they are never given the full credit they deserves. I mean short of maybe only HBO, no other channel is as great at making great television.

With all Lou saw in Vietnam and what he's going to see as a result of this case this season, it's no wonder Lou wasn't intimidated by Malvo in season 1. The man has already been through Hell, and has been tooled by it's flames.

I don't think expecting a central plot from the beginning of the first episode is too much to ask for in a show that only has 8 episodes.

My problem is that the episode had no main plot. It was nothing but a bunch of subplots that had little to do with each other. It should have been cut up into each character's little subplot into 10-20 minute prologue episodes that would be released online. Also the intro music sucks.