
Let's see 12 Monkeys, The Usual Suspects, Braveheart, Toy Story, but probably my number one would be Heat.

I think The Shield and Justified's endings are both just so perfect yet they are both on the opposite ends of the spectrum. Like one is how you do a downer ending and the other is how you do a happy ending (that doesn't feel like a Hollywood happy ending).

Good point. I'll edit that out.

Family Meeting is one of the greatest series endings of all time.

Trying to kill his son on more than one occasion and then telling him to kiss his ass on his death bed is the definition of dickish.

Love that The Shield gets a shout out. Arlo Givens on Justified is also a pretty big dick head dad too.

Thank you.

Yeah I just had to create one now. So now I have an account for here, one for IGN (for now) and a Disqus account. You should probably follow this one.

Hey again I had to make a Disqus account to be able to change my avatar. So now I have 2 accounts, technically 3 including IGN (for now). Probably should follow this one for this site.

Okay I sort of got it. Now I have two accounts with the same name. One directly for this site and one for Disqus. This is confusing.

Will this work?