
Walter White (Bryan Cranston), for instance, methodically transformed before our eyes from a dying chemistry teacher who gets pushed around by his cop brother-in-law to a fedora-wearing kingpin who gets his brother-in-law killed.

Agree. As the article states, the biggest issue where I started to not like the film was when Dickie killed his father, that should have been a huge deal, and three seconds later he is with his father’s wife and no one bats an eye. Handwaiving all of that to stuff all that plot in was too much. The movie was full of

Well then good news: it was shot on digital!

Logan was actually a pretty good match for her, and I think he challenged her specific blind spots. Jess was only nice to her after they broke up. Logan called her out on thinking she was somehow a more special kind of rich kid. 

One of the things that annoys me about Rory is she’s very much a—and pardon the cruelty, but I can’t think of a better way of expressing this—stupid person’s understanding of what a “smart” person. What makes Rory “smart” is that she reads books. She goes on and on about how much she loves reading and books. She will

Not only is The Last Jedi clearly the best of the sequel trilogy, by far - it’s the only one that takes its world and its story seriously, instead of treating as a by-the-numbers nursery rhyme - but it’s also done the world a great service in giving us a shibboleth to swiftly identify arseholes. [obviously, Donald

Rain Johnson played the fans for fools as if people don’t understand things like gravity in space and the fact that a ship being lighter means absolutely nothing when it comes to how fast it could be in space.

This reunion special maybe didn’t need to exist, but I have to say I always appreciate that moment when actors go from “dammit, I’m more than just ___ from Friends” to “wow, this had a huge impact on people, I’m glad I was part of it, and it’s OK if that’s the first line in my obituary.”

Seventeen years is odd timing for a reunion

The problem with the Phantom gift is that it shows she really didn’t understand Charles deep down. It’s reading the surface only. Yeah, Charles likes theatre, but HE wants to be the star. It fails to understand also all the reasons why Charles didn’t like the “Uptown Girl” gimmick. It wasn’t just the public aspect of

I am happy to be that guy. If it’s a classic movie, don’t remake it!

I’m not sticking up for him. I just think that if we deny that bad people can make good art, we deny that certain people are capable of evil.

Woody Allen did make good movies once, and I don’t think it’s fair to say otherwise just because he turned out to be a sack of shit. That said, the last one that was any good was Blue Jasmine, almost solely due to its cast more than anything Allen did, and this looks just execrable.

But is it good BECAUSE it doesn’t replicate TTYD, or is it good IN SPITE of that?

I almost never want to see any movie again. There’s too many out there to repeat them. I have a few like Snatch and a few others many times. But I generally don’t. Even though I seem to have collected them back in the day. But there are times where if I’m bored and I want to watch something easy I’ll put it on again.

Love most Charlie Kaufman movies but didn’t like this one. Had to read the book summary on wiki to make sense of it. Probably i would recommend doing that before watching the movie (assuming one hasn’t already read the book), seems like one would get more out of it that way, but of course just my opinion. Maybe a

You can always reply “Good news, mom! Life doesn’t have meaning anyway, and any hunt for it is just an absurd reaction to the dawning realization of truth!”

Sounds like a great idea and one I’d reall- reads: The ongoing video series” - and I’m out. But good luck!

I haven’t got it all worked out, but if Lalo knows Jimmy got ambushed then that means somebody saved Saul’s ass. When Lalo goes looking for someone to thank for saving Saul, none of his friends will say they did it. If Lalo pulls on that thread, it leads back to Mike and Gus, who are definitely not Lalo’s friends. So

It’s interesting how the show indicts Jimmy’s resentment at the legal establishment by repeatedly showing that the people at the top of the ladder that he hates are actually pretty decent guys. We’re trained as audience members to instinctively sympathize with the protagonist, and so without really knowing better we