I loved Tracks: Racing the Sun. Set in the same era as Driving Forces, it is an historical fiction focusing primarily on Achile Varzi and Tazio Nuvolari. I couldn’t put the book down.
I loved Tracks: Racing the Sun. Set in the same era as Driving Forces, it is an historical fiction focusing primarily on Achile Varzi and Tazio Nuvolari. I couldn’t put the book down.
dear god man you are a genius.
I see what you did there ;-)
So did this really only happen in California? Didn’t other states have a jumbled mess of state route numbers/names/local route numbers/and finally federal route numbers and had to finally say “F it. this is the way its going to be”? I like this explanation but I remain skeptical its the whole story :-/
If its anything like the other vapes out there, you can definitely tell when someone is vaping those “fun, fruity” flavors because it smells like a Jolly Rancher flavored cotton candy bomb went off.
The Evora is one of those cars that looks good in pictures but looks 10x better in person.
I think it probably comes down a bit to culture and the priorities of the major automakers throughout the history of the regions.
I drove a 2000 Ford Explorer that weighed easily 4000 lbs and toward the end of the old girls life no doubt had much less than the from factory 210 hp and it could move in traffic just fine thank you very much.
wait. so he has been calling his own supporters “haters and losers” for years?
I would be much more receptive of a gas tax hike if Congress hadn’t just given most of 1.5 trillion in tax breaks to rich people and corporations.
AAANNNDD I have been waiting for a security clearance since roughly November of 2016 but I can’t start work until I have it.
Torchinsky, you taught me everything I know about exterior, auto illumination. Much thanks.
I am damn excited about this. I plan to do this very thing to a Corvair one day. I am lookin forward to your updates my friend.
Damn. I wrote this out. This is better.
The driver was probably just told by their new-boss/former underling to use a new company website to make paper sales while also given a Blackberry to use and slavishly followed Waze’s directions and drove into the lake as a childish commentary on technology in general and how its a worse way to do business than gift…
Am I the only one that can never seem to get excited about Mercs? I have never liked the styling of them despite really trying. They always just feel boring to me.
Black guys can’t kneal at the start of football games without getting threatened with firing but people can NOT TREAT MEDICAL CONDITIONS and its just cool?
So how many Schrute bucks do I get for 1 sweatcoin?