saw this headline yesterday and just kind of scanned by it. I would have clicked on it then if I had known it was for sale in Murrysville! Weird.
saw this headline yesterday and just kind of scanned by it. I would have clicked on it then if I had known it was for sale in Murrysville! Weird.
I am honestly having a hard time seeing the downside of this... Even just to pay for the car payment. Go until you pay it off, and then unwrap. Boom, like having a completely new paint job. Pretty sweet.
That was glorious.
So admittedly I am not a morning rusher. While not a morning person either, I do get up and walk the pups and then come in and make coffee, go up and get ready, come down and then grab my cup and go. So I think its this reason why I don’t really see why having a fast coffee maker is all that big of an added benefit.…
So admittedly I am not a morning rusher. While not a morning person either, I do get up and walk the pups and then…
I am also going to be a host of Top Gear. It will be tough, splitting my time between the cubicle job I love so dearly and having to prop up the Beeb with my vast broadcasting talent and know-how. But I am willing to make the sacrifice.
Fantastic article. One of the best I have read in a while.
Drove through from PA on the way to bourbon country. Saw 14 cops. Not kidding. 4-5 hours in Ohio, and 14 patrol-people looking for speeders.
Like everything but the front. I am also curious if it looks bigger in person. Thats how I always think the Tesla S looks, much larger in person than in pictures.
“You could cram a soft bag. Or a massive hoagie, or something like that.”
Ugh no thank you. Besides the inferiority of touchscreens when it comes t automotive user interfaces —which I could go on and on about— this is just too much damn light in my face at night.
I’m not buying that the Model III will be out anywhere near before the Bolt. It took Tesla like 5 years to build a taller Model S. And they promised and promised it would come out, like really really soon guys, just wait, its going to blow your minds. And then it was a taller Model S. With fancy doors. And fancy…
I was waiting on the edge of my seat for our intrepid hero to return. I am not in the least disappointed.
I thought you were going somewhere completely different with this... glad I kept reading ;-)
And we are all better for it.
So this is some janky crap. Germany:
I think plaid seats are awesome.
Had a rat problem in our basement. And when I say rat I mean Rat. Got the huge snap traps from home depot and put them at the little hole I thought he was coming in. Caught him in one night.
Someone probably already said this, especially considering how old this post is, but: sooooo the Panamera should have looked like this right? Instead of its current unfortunate form (sorry Panamera owners —I am sure its great to drive)
I would be lying if I said WAF was the only reason I made the switch. I used to use XBMC in grad school when I had way more time to fiddle with it. Then one day, after having to troubleshoot either an update to a skin or the software (for some reason entries for some shows were showing up twice, both not actually…