
Is corporate hardware support reeeeally comp sci/IT? It’s more like being a mechanic or customer service worker.

Possession and touch wins games when teams are of roughly similar skill levels.

Crime video truthing: I’m not seeing the contact between those two cars.

A clarification: I wouldn’t call what Eddie Jordan did for the Sixers “coaching”.

You don't understand. Their speed and coordination is off the charts. They would probably snap a lot of high school legs on sloppy tackles, also.

A middle of the road NFL O-lineman can ruin your sh*t in any sport.

Headline suggestion: Baseball’s fastest player does baseball thing the fastest.

He's not wrong.

They should have a special wheelchair for the grassy surface.

I don’t see anything wrong here.

How many spots does Cincy rise if we pretend that their chilli doesn’t exist?

hypnotize people.

ESPN has not recognized that donger length is best measured right after slapping.

Important distinction: Singles are slapped. Dingers are smacked.

Cheese is liquid meat, no?

He knew his team was this good all along.

It’s time to call it quits as a sports commentator when people start treating your opinions like sneezes.

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Not even the best dunk on that baseline in Philadelphia:

Highlight truthering done right.

Don’t question THE PROCESS.