Time Dog of the Year.
Time Dog of the Year.
Since the laws are antiquated, the punishment should match. The pitch invader should be transported to a former prison colony. Say, Australia. Perhaps even with a courtesy notice to the Kerr family.
That’s not a camper. It’s zombie prisoner transport. If you take it on the highway, it will break loose, crack open, and release zombies, triggering the zombie apocalypse.
Is this the cancel culture I’ve been hearing so much about?
Laying the groundwork for an insurance scam.
Is it enough a VW that Torch would buy it? Or does it have to be air-cooled?
Your date’s mother’s car.
Should have had Arlo White call the play by play on that one.
Ah, no. Ha.
The entire Bluth family was conceived in that van.
[15 minutes of Gordon Ramsay dressing you down with lots of curses and idiomatic English expressions]
Couple of points.. first, pissy shitties need to made with at least several hour old movie-theater popcorn and fountain soda. Your fresh microwave popcorn and bottled soda just doesn’t cut it. Pissy shitties are like hollandaise meringues. All the ingredients and techniques must be just-so or the whole thing fails…
Also, the Jersey Parkway and Turnpike. Maybe all of 95 on the east coast.
That’s just the LIE on Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
Yes. Make it free.
Russell, I believe it prefers “The Differently Abled Arena.”