
The show Will & Grace, together with each actor who participated in it, deserve more credit for marriage equality than anyone I can think of. It normalized gay relationships for kids born between perhaps 1985 and 2000, and, by extension, normalized it for their parents. I particularly mean the kids who watched it

The whole point of joking is to go ahead and say things that one cannot say seriously. Whether or not it remains offensive said in jest is whether it is clever or ironic. The teen thing seems to be neither. Just cover for saying something offensive.


Women with strong mental health are less likely to be victims of some types of sexual assault; and are also more likely to complete advanced degrees. But we’re talking odds not certainties. Everyone is a potential victim. I also suspect that well educated victims who had strong mental health prior to any assault

Seventh Generation or whatever seems environmentally friendly, recycled, not bleached with stuff that pollutes the waterways, etc. Otherwise the Cottonelle with the ripples, but I haven’t gotten it in years.

Seventh Generation or whatever seems environmentally friendly, recycled, not bleached with stuff that pollutes the

Just hand soap? Dish and other soaps too, I hope?

It wasn’t your choice whether they took a different flight. Free yourself from feeling that it was. It was not. As best I can tell, they did not ask you to switch the date and you should not have, but you know that now. Live and learn. That should not be a source of bitterness. Learning is what life is for. Now stop

Just eat them. Eat nothing but them. No recipes. Just peaches. Or that’s what I would do. I suppose there is some number of peaches I couldn’t make it through before they went bad, but I’ve never had that many. You could also blanch the skins off of them, cut them off the stone, slice and freeze them for smoothies.

It was a crime of hate, but also of opportunity by someone who had no criminal history but was unhinged. And those opportunities will not go away. If assault weapons were banned tomorrow—and while that has my vote, they won’t be—we would have enough weapons and ammunition already circulating to commit this crime in

I’ve lived in Virginia for 43 of my 50 years, in 10 cities and counties from the east most to west most and many in between. While it’s unfortunate that this provision was necessary, it was passed. End of problem. Of my various complaints about Virginia—and they are relatively few—that traffic laws are enforced and

Polanski did not star front and center in children’s programming. That said, when my 9th teacher took the class to see a Polanski movie, I was not permitted to go. Allen committed no crimes. Just exhibited disastrous judgment during one stage of his life.