Tucker Carlson's Hippie Teacher

“They were probably being paid to see if could provoke her to cry.”

You’re not the only one who was taken in by her.

People that perpetrate crimes like this are evil.”

What, he’s not going to try to to use the “she’s not my type” defense in court?

Every accusation is a confession when it comes to the right wing. They always show their true predatory nature, only for it to be ignored by too many people.

Also the elective surgery was apparently to correct a sunken chest, so he basically got breast augmentation to look more masculine, which is a form of gender affirming care he so vehemently opposes for others.

I too was raised in that community. By an abusive alcoholic. Other fundies didn’t give a shit how he treated his family as long as he kept showing up to *also* scream at women outside of Planned Parenthood.

They’re not talking about Crowder losing followers. Just saying that it's ironic that he's against no-fault divorce when there's video evidence of him being abusive. And thus she would have been legally allowed to divorce him even before no-fault divorce was a thing.

Why would you think they’d care? This demographic threw their weight behind a man who has five children, two ex wives, one wife who will be an ex at some point, and a history of infidelity. They called Trump an imperfect vessel of God. They're not looking for logical consistency or faith. It doesn't matter who in

Crowder and Owens are both garbage, and I’m happy they are eating each other.

It is ironic that he’s railing against no-fault divorce given that his ex (soon-to-be ex?) has cause, and video/evidence to back it up. The law could be different, and she'd still be getting early parole from this marriage.

Boo hoo.

Getting rid of no-fault divorce has been on the Republican Party agenda for quite a while. It’s far more widespread than just this one extremist.

“Take half” is code for “I don’t want to pay child support and alimony, and I don’t want to marry a woman who can support herself either because then I wouldn’t have 100% control of the rest of her life.”

I’m skeptical she has those connections though, not anymore.

Why? Out of the goodness of their hearts? She’ll be powerless when she loses her seat.  

Don’t worry, once she is of no further use to them, conservatives will join the hate-train very quickly, so she may eventually come close to -100.

I agree everyone is different, everyone’s story is different...and maybe she’s perfectly fine.......but there are times, when it comes to certain afflictions, that there is a common thread.

Maybe I’m just an anonymous nobody gossiping, but this is Red Flag-y.

I’m not invested in this at all, and agree that we should all mind our fucking business when it comes to other people’s health, but I do want to point out that what she said is EXACTLY what people with an ED say when someone voices concern about them.