Tucker Carlson's Hippie Teacher

Everyone thinks “I want to retire when I can still do so in a dignified manner”. Problem is the older you get and the more powerful you are the less likely you are to realize when that time has come or have people around you who are willing to tell you harsh truths.


Democratic legislators need to realize there is no room for niceties any more.

If people didn’t learn from RBG, then we’re fucked.

It’s trendy to shit on hospitals but home births delivered by midwives have worse outcomes for babies compared to hospital births delivered midwives. If you must have a midwife, you should have a certified mid wife in a hospital. Midwives are trained to care for mothers and can provide some immediate care to babies. Bu

“Won’t somebody please think of the infinifely rich and successful misognyist?!?!?”

Wow wait until they find out that Bud Light’s actual goal is to make as much money as possible by selling their beer to as many people as possible and that they’re willing to invest in marketing campaigns that target people other than dudes that wear Oakleys on the back of their head in order to accomplish that goal.

The good news is that DeSantis has all the charisma of a room-temperature bowl of oatmeal, lacks any foreign policy bona fides, and doesn’t have Trump’s name recognition.

That’s a lovely theory, but it’s exactly what people like DeFascist want.  Think of him as the ultimate home schooler.  Keep the kids ignorant of everything except the invisible man in the sky and keep them in state away from any other “contaminated” ideas or people.  Now you have chattel that can controlled. 

Alt comment: “I’m a narcissistic dipshit who thinks that just because I personally dont know who this very famous and successful person is, nobody else must or should know or care about them either, and if anyone does care about something different than me then I’ll make fun of them like a pompous and tiresome dipshit.

I can’t see geriatric Republicans lining up to vote for the non-white woman who’s not ‘in her prime’, especially after she proposed mental competency tests.

Don’t forget Mickey Rourke. He was the poster boy for bad plastic surgery for decades. 

I don’t care that she’s older, or whatever, so what.  Can we just not pretend that surgery like hers is good?  It looks like shit, and people are doing it all the time.  Aged or not, it’s just bad.  There are definitely people out there hating on her for her age, not questioning that, but this pillow face look that is

Jesus fuck. These god damned people and their stupid body obsessions. Our entire society is warped by these depraved expectations. But was not always like this.

You have to consistently eat a lot of the right foods to build muscle, so being jacked after 20 years of an apocalypse is actually less realistic than being curvy by eating whatever junk you can get your hands on.

Again, for those in the back, if that’s something someone wants to give their express consent to do their body, power to them. For me the ick part is the motives of parents who chooses a braindead surrogate over a brainalive surrogate. If there’s a situation where it’s the only option, I’ll re-evaluate my stance.

It’s starting to look like just another unhinged, jealous, violent man story. From the LA Times:

It’s been junk science for almost the entire time it’s existed but it’s just really incredibly stupid at this point as a measurement, and it gets worse as the population gets taller. It’s also unable to account for fitness/muscle levels and many other things.

Thank you for saying all of this. The BMI is junk science and it was made worse when they changed it shortly before a new weightloss drug hit the market, just a coincidence I’m sure. It’s awful for so many reasons. It dehumanzes fat people and it hurts medical care. Skinny people are never sick with “fat people”

or maybe they meet the BMI for being overweight but have no medical conditions associated with obesity. So, basically folks want this for vanity weight, and that’s the scary part.”

There is a great interview in the NYT this week with an obesity expert. What she says is that obesity is a medical problem and that we should be treating it with medication. That her patients in the past have illustrated to her that even exercising and eating healthy do not always result in weight loss and the health

If you’re preborn, you’re fine; if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”