Tucker Carlson's Hippie Teacher

I bet you totally innocently spin these fanfictions of Meghan Markle’s weaponized faux lack of knowledge with no ulterior motives whatsoever.

The NYT alternates between two editorial modes. In one, they present a centrist position as the leftmost conceivable position, so they can position themselves as the morally preferable among the available options (center, right, far-right). In the other, they present the center-left and far-right as equivalently

Yeah, let’s... not, please. Plenty of us are stuck there or live there for various reasons, hate this with a passion, and are trying to right the ship. We can’t just pick up and move in every case, either.

“On this precipice of disaster, I ask the young men of this nation a question: Will you sit behind a screen while the storied tales of your forefathers become a myth? Or will you stand resolute against the dying light of America’s golden age? Will you reclaim your masculinity? Will you become a man to be feared,

America is weak. Her sons are sickly and her daughters are decrepit,”

Republicans are more interested in punishing victims of rape and doctors who help them than they are in punishing rapists. The ads write themselves, hopefully (and, frankly, the headlines should too, but they won’t).

It’s funny that the right always said liberals wanted to abort babies while they’re being born, but then some conservative tradwives are so into natural birth that they don't actually care if the baby lives. I've actually heard "If the baby dies during birth without medical intervention, that one just wasn't meant to

As much as I enjoyed this well-thought out dissertation you’ve laid out for us, it could also be that women find him attractive and enjoy his company and that’s why they date him?

It is not “counts votes at an achingly slow pace” and you know it, so stop helping the Repugs spread this false narrative. Like seriously, have some integrity.

“Democratized journalism” is what has given us the current dumpster fire in which anyone with opposable thumbs and an internet connection can call themselves a “journalist” and bad-faith actors like Project Veritas can act like news outlets while hiding their complete lack of ethics behind the First Amendment (nb:

The idea of neutrality as something inherently virtuous needs to be kicked to the curb. God, Elon Musk is a very, very stupid man: no idea how people have fallen for his PR

That was also her house being vandalized, whereas this incident was her husband being attacked

But, our sexuality as women is so often reduced to the shorthand of a bunny costume. The other thing, hefner and his sleazy pals took advantage of that. We should feel free to feel sexy, but even today, guilt or shame is still huge. The sexiest thing of all should be women not feeling like they have to conform to some

The anarchy symbol makes me doubt who actually left the graffiti behind...

Actually they SHOULD be shutdown given they are in a position of influence.. Ironically the same sort of influence the “right” tries to claim the “left” is doing on schools, folks like Falwell and other are quite literally indoctrinating kids with hard core conservative religious fundamentalism (And tax free with

He’s DEFINATELY cash poor.

Assuming West can be taken at his word regarding all the corporate disagreements he claims to have— I wouldn’t — he could have addressed it with a lawsuit like other capitalists. In the meanwhile if during his social media tirades, he had simply chosen to swap out the J word with “white folks” then he would have

Am I not reading this correctly? It reads as if it was Kanyes’s decision to close the school. The genius is probably cash poor or in debt, has a lot of unbought inventory he can’t sell,  and didn’t actually put the tuition towards the school. Maybe the house of cards fell in on him.

It’s probably the best thing for the students. Hopefully their idiot parents will actually place them in real schools. Anyone who is willing to put their kid in a school that requires a NDA and whose owner professes never to read isn’t concerned about the education their kids receive and are more caught up in the cult

All the corporations that are cutting ties with Kanye West give money to the Republican Party, which is a white nationalist party based around sexism, racism, and antisemitism.   Pretty weird how The Root directs all their anger and coverage at Kanye West and not the corporations who fund a party that is trying to