Tucker Carlson's Hippie Teacher

You’re missing the point. They want to be able to divorce her clapped-out saggy ass in a way that will prevent them from having to pay 50% of their net worth. The last thing we need in the USA are a bunch of average looking but wealthy cougars on the prowl for younger men. /s

They want to roll the clock back much further. After the end of no-fault divorce will come the push for coverture, where the wife becomes functionally the property of her husband. Ending no-fault divorce would likely backfire though, and tank the marriage rate even more. Women are already fleeing marriage in droves. 

I love that the “little boy ghost” was actually helping you to “fly” instead of trying to entice you to badly hurt yourself. Or—and this just occurred to me—maybe he was malicious, and it was a different set of hands around your ribcage keeping you safe.

Living in the perpetual drought of California, I’m going to have to acknowledge that demon dog-rat had a valid point and was using its dark, guttural voice for the greater good. . .

Did nobody ever tell you it’s legal to “fire” your health care team?”

GTFO, you asshole douchebag shitheel motherfucker.

That’s why he got a screenshot-&-dismiss instead of a direct reply.

Dude, there are these things called tact, sensitivity, and decency. You just failed at all three. 

My mother-in-law had to deal with crap like this when her pregnancies ran into problems, where she wasn’t allowed to make decisions and they had to get her husband to decide things, even though she was perfectly alert and competent, and an entire damn hospital kicked her out forcing her to go to a whole different town

The fact that the term he used for her potential mate was, “steady partner” (as in the phrase “going steady”, which fell out of fashion in the 1960s), should tell you all you need to know about where (or more to the point when) this doctor is, as a person...

“childbearing age”

Any other troopers who were present and failed to stop Davis from assaulting and kidnapping his ex should be brought up on charges as well. 

John Fetterman? Or Vincent Adultman?

Fetterman’s campaign and doctors had explained that his comprehension had not been impaired and he simply struggles with auditory processing.

Conservatives aren’t interested in the basics of humanity like empathy and compassion.

I spent 3 years working with the DA’s office in the victim’s advocacy office specializing in responding to sex crimes. In this case I honestly don’t know who the father should have contacted. I imagine that he had just figured this out and called 911 in his righteous outrage, but the article doesn’t say. Obviously in

Next big cop funeral I want to hang a banner that says “cop lives have limited value” for the cops that hit a Seattle woman and then said that.

I think a lot of the (understandable) knee jerk opposition people have to calls to defund or abolish the police has to do with the misapprehension that police exist to protect individuals or that they are part of the mechanism for serving justice. Protection and justice are not what the police are for, no matter what

“We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.” -Columbus Division of Police

It’s pretty depressing to see how the Right has succeeded in turning natural allies into enemies. Plenty of gay people and feminists have subscribed to the same conservative ideology over this issue. Especially the completely nonsensical argument that the existence of a tiny, tiny number of trans athletes somehow will