Tucker Carlson's Hippie Teacher

Pete’s probably a breath of fresh air after ‘Ye. Get it, Kim. Have your fun.

Just last night an old white lady hit me with her car while I was crossing the crosswalk to a store.

I’m curious what ‘privilege’ Miranda is now wrestling with recognizing? She worked her ass off (at least by TV standards) and I don’t remember it being implied she came from money, so I’d say she earned what she had. Her relationships were trial and tribulation just like everyone else’s.

You come across as an incredibly bitter and pathetic person with this comment. 

You know, if Diane wanted to do something to apologize to Britney, now is a good time to do it! Maybe share how that interview got set up in the first place??

I think that’s just an argument that we need better resources for survivors than what we have now. I was raped, I don’t really remember the assault but I do remember how horribly I was treated by the police. I have also worked with survivors and have seen how they are treated horribly by the police. So if someone

I’ve watched literally every episode of SVU. Listen, I’m not proud of that fact, I’m just a little obsessive about shows and here we are.

Sometimes progressive activists make the perfect the enemy of the good. Often, actually.”

I mean I sort of get what they’re saying, real police detectives don’t handle sexual assault cases very well. I don’t know if it’s laziness, apathy, or if they’re resigned to the fact it will probably never be prosecuted anyway. If I hear one more podcast in which a 14 year old disappears and the cops say: “oh maybe

They couldn’t make it more obvious that they don’t actually watch the show. SVU didn’t just deal with police brutality in a single premiere episode last season. Most of the last two years worth of episodes have been on police brutality, police misconduct, and/or racial profiling.

From the headline, I thought Hargitay had a “Blue Lives Matter” bumper sticker on her car or something.

This is BS. It’s a fictional show that everyone loves. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it and go read a newspaper. I don’t think anyone is thinking any of these crimes shows are real. Like when they magically find evidence the next day too right & solve the case? Delete all crime shows then and stop targeting

Thank you. This show is fiction. Nor is it the only cop show on TV. If we are done glorifying cops on TV, then ok, but SVU is not the only one that would have to go then. Also, she has power, money and resources, her foundation is a good one, they can start using it better in order to get the kits tested. Whatever

One of my cats does this on the chenille pillowcase that is on the pillow next to me in my bed.  It is also the pillow that one of the dogs likes to cuddle next to, so the cat sleeps up on top of the pillow and does his nursing thing while facing me.  On one occasion, he shifted his attention to the crown of my head

This whole thing where we act like she was an unwilling accomplice in this man’s incarceration is pretty disgusting. She sacrificed this man’s life just because she had “a feeling” it was him during a random encounter on the street. You can’t do that, then act like she was unwilling after the fact.

Lord, the excuses made for what this woman did. Her defenders always want to bring up internet death threats Seibold gets to make sure you know who the real victim is after she got caught falsely accusing an innocent man of rape and collaborating with a bunch of racist cops using racist tropes to convict him. And

The premise that freshly traumatized 18 year old Ms Sebold manipulated by the racist police and racist justice system is valid. But for decades, she knew she was not sure. Yet, she let that discomfort go unexamined. She ignored the disturbance in her survivor narrative through her book deal and was prepared to see

What really kills me about this story is the cat didn’t want any of it either. 

And the cat was screaming for its life.”

You assume the rich aren’t breastfeeding hairless cats on their private planes.