Tucker Carlson's Hippie Teacher

I don’t want to take any of Stacey Abrams flowers, as she deserves all she’s received and more, but I don’t think we can tell the story of the 2020 Senate wins in Georgia, without honoring DONNA CURLING, et al., Plaintiffs of Curling v. Raffensperger [1] and their ongoing battle to ensure Georgia elections are fought

This is exactly what’s going to happen.

The really sick part of what she said was the casual mention of adoption being the cure all to the need of abortion.

It ignores the fact that she was in a financial position to adopt two children (which most families are not). It ignores the reality that the US already has 400k children in the foster care system, and

Not a chance. She got what she wanted out of that relationship and Donda’s son is a damn fool.

Imhotep. Sorry, “I’m Hotep”.

If my Ex would talk like that to get me back, I would RUN!
As far as possible and never look back. Oh and pat on my own shoulder that I got out of the obvious unhealthy relationship.

I love the idea that Pete is getting all these women simply by having a personality and making them laugh.
Meanwhile, Kanye is probably like...
“I’m funny, dammit! I had the whole country laughing at me, let’s see you top that Pete!”

On Thursday, Ye returned to Instagram to share his “super super super super super long Thanksgiving prayer.” 

That was part of the irony of it all - he thought the video justified his horrible actions. He was that drunk on racism and white supremacy and all that he couldn’t see it for it what it was.

You are absolutely correct in stating that the rotten as hell, POS prosecutor needs to be put behind bars for a damn long time! She tried to cover up Mr. Arbery’ s murder. There were several members in the "injustice" system prepared to let these three racist muthafuckas go scot free!

It’s the same story as with Trayvon Martin - kid walking home from the store is chased down and murdered by a white vigilante.

I’m not gonna argue with the people who thought these criminals would get off, because we saw that happen before.

It is important to keep in mind that two or three different prosecutors delayed and/or declined to pursue charges against these racist asshats.

We have to somehow end this belief among white people that they have the autonomy to police Black people in any way that seems fit, whether they have evidence or not. Remember, that’s what happened in the Trayvon Martin case and the recent Rittenhouse case.

Justice will not be served until the initial prosecutor and all of the law enforcement that tried to cover up this case are convicted of conspiracy and being accessories to murder after the fact.

I’m one of those glass half empty guys and even though I’m so fucking relieved these murderers were found guilty we should all remember this:

Welcome to bitter old man comedy, the ultimate in selling out

Right? At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if he toured with Bill Cosby.

He’s not going to get any better. People just need to accept it. This is who he is now. He’s Dennis Miller.

My god how much pain can one family endure.