weqr re

For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, ‘It might have been’.

There is no such thing as wasted water. Its a closed system.

There is no such thing as wasted water. Its a closed system.

Bullshit. Pure Bullshit.

It was good when Dick Schaap was still around.

She’s part of the problem and no part of any solution.

Herpes in human form.

A shredded-glass enema?

Mother fuckers are not giving 110%.

Using your kids like this will have backlash of fukkery for you and them.

I don’t need or want to be ungrayed, fukstain, and certainly not by the likes of you.

Fuck you. You are the reason why we have Trump.

I’m in my 9th decade on this planet. Your head is up your ass. You are part of the problem.

She’s a dangerous sociopath.

That outdoes any of her ‘womanness’ or other success. She is an enabler to a man perhaps more dangerous than any other despot in history due to his access to a nuclear arsenal.

Your position is disturbingly naive here.

I only hope she is the one that turns on him with a dagger one night.

You are dangerously wrong there, Neville.

Fuck you, asshat.


The fucker is going to start another nuclear arms race and yopu want polite and tact?


This man is a hero.

A true American. I support him and anyone else trying to hold this miscreants accountable.

I support anyone that seeks to rid us of this pestilence.

Welcome to North Korea.

Rules? In a knife fight?

The bigger they are the easier to toss them to the ground.

Game really sucks though.

Civ IV still the high point of the series.

This is a sign of mental retardation.