
Washington? Neither have I

A decision of this magnitude?

Never heard of him

“Your zone-reads startle and confuse me. I see your running back bursting through the secondary and I think ‘Is this some kind of man-god?’. My primitive mind can’t grasp these concepts.”

the whole point of the NCAA is to make unilateral decisions for its member institutions

You can’t whine incessantly that the NCAA is too powerful and then celebrate it being too powerful because you agree with the use of its power.

“You can’t whine incessantly that the NCAA is too powerful and then celebrate it being too powerful because you agree with the use of its power.”

Did you really think googling “Notre Dame LBGT outreach” was an actual response to the argument being made here?

Well you know, when you’re puking in the bar bathroom and don’t want splash back, you’d best remove those fancy duds.

Notre Dame has a pretty good record when it comes to acceptance of others.

“The role of such associations is to foster athletic competition that is fair and serves the well-being of student-athletes.”

You’re missing out. No one gets mad when I wander around with my dong flopped out in the men’s room. Those filthy trans people trying to poop in peace, they’re the problem.

I’m like Costanza. I take my shirt off to take a dump.

I’m so sick and tired of you liberals endangering my children with allowing sexual deviants and predators into their bathrooms.

Other than in the locker room at school, I can’t think of the last time I undressed in a public bathroom.

That's Mascot Unit 6-22 (6 is for the guard series of automated mascots) and when it was time to shut down all of the units, it kind of decided to alter programing and managed to route battery power through the arm framework and shock anyone who tried. It now walks the lonely vigil, defending the only solar charging

Because Japan.

If its abandoned why the the fuck is there a soulless mascot still wondering around.

Darn I hate what Epcot did to Imagination and Test Track. Especially imagination. Why the heck they thought the new ride was better than figment's imagination still mystifies me.