Oh...so he’s a Yalie? Pfft.
Oh...so he’s a Yalie? Pfft.
Yes! I loved “Sunshine”....until, as you say, it was ruined. So promising. Such an interesting, thoughtful, meditative movie until...well. No spoilers, but it’s a complete letdown. Really odd. It’s like if Star Wars had suddenly turned into a musical during the attack on the Death Star. Not to impugn musicals, it just…
Yes! I would also add the saturation of reality TV in our culture in the last 15+ years where unrepentant assholes describe themselves as “type A” or “alpha males” or “I just tell it like it is” and this is often portrayed as some sort of admirable maverick, rebel stance.
I love It’s Always Sunny - but it took awhile for the show to grow on me. Those characters are the ultimate clueless, self-absorbed narcissists. It’s not a great leap to see that they’re terrible people, which is the source of the humor. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that some people would choose to idolize or…
Before Kaep started protesting did you ever hear the national anthem specifically linked to veterans? I didn’t. But once the Right started trumpeting this bit of nonsense I would hear sports radio shows talking with reverence about how he was being disrespectful to veterans.
You know, say what you want about Hitler, but he knew how to keep people in line.
The day Deadspin made “The List”.
Thank you - this is perfect.
And Haslam is possibly the worst owner the NFL has ever seen. Followed closely by the Lerner family.
Hey, this would give Haslam an excuse to bring his boy Manziel back into the fold.
I’m sorry, but Ann Coulter says racism no longer exists in this country.
Sports and politics often intersect, and I find Deadspin a good place to read a POV that isn’t from some uptight bowtie like George Will. If you find it “leftist” that they don’t agree with Trump’s abjectly bullshit takes, then, well, good for you, I guess.
OK...so Trump understand that the refs are enforcing the rules set by the NFL, right? They’re not independent arbiters who wander onto the field.
Hey, some of those fine white supremecists got SHOVED by antifa members! There was violence on all sides!
Well, I’m sure he has, just not in public.
Except that he’s an entertainer, so the situations aren’t equivalent. He’s using the platform he’s given to make a point, and doing so peacefully. The people who have a problem with this have no leg to stand on. Protest is what our country was founded on. People who don’t like his protest also don’t think there’s…
Donald Trump is the ultimate petulant, spoiled rich kid. He has no concept of empathy, sympathy or even making the meagerest attempt to see something from another point of view, because in his view only the lives of rich people...well, rich WHITE people...matter. He embraces ignorance like the average person breathes.
Besides being wrong-sided on Jamele Hill, Brady’s trumpeting the old falsehood that reporters should only report what they see is how we got to President Trump. The media should be a guardian of facts. They should take responsibility for not only reporting what they see (or what is said by those in power) but…
This is a pretty much perfect example of brainless, knee-jerk Trumpian hypocrisy. It exhibits all the control, logic and stability of a petulant five year old.
Or paid trips to meetings of the super secret societies they belong to at remote hunting ranches in Texas.